
I’ve been in that same position before - skewing SBMM for a partner - but here’s my question: do you honestly think she’d be having more fun without SBMM at all? I feel like saying ‘SBMM doesn’t entirely protect her so SBMM as a whole isn’t useful’ is a little throwing the baby out with the bathwater, you know? Especia

Yeah, I get that (and I get the complaint that it makes matchmaking times longer as well)... but I also don’t see how you don’t get the same result without skill-based matchmaking, when you’re just chasing the lesser-skilled players out of the mode entirely. Then, you’re right back to ‘the only people playing at all

I can name a few pro wrestlers who’ve had injures this stupid.
Randy Orton did it doing his “mat pound” before an RKO.
Sami Zayn did it bad enough to require surgery raising his hand before a match with John Cena.

Well I have, I’v seen professionals dislocate something all the time in such a silly manner, some people have a predisposition to pop off a bone out of place all the time. It’s not that big of a deal, the medical team on site or even the player himself usually just puts the bone back where it belongs and in a minute

People pop off this hard all the time at gaming tournaments, and this is the only time I’ve ever heard of someone dislocating their shoulder from it.

Likewise “proper” athletes get injured in ridiculous ways all the time though. Didn’t a tennis player get injured tripping, on his way to doing those mandatory interviews

I’m afraid everything here is inconclusive. All there really is to say is that something smells fishy!

This is like the third article this week on the Mulaney/Munn thing that literally started with

I hate to be this guy but, From Software didn't make Nioh...Team Ninja did.

Yeah, it’s kinda weird that the majority of the Destiny community will jump on you for simply requesting to play the content we paid over $200 for... that's since been sunset... if it wasn't already given away to new light players for free...

why should I buy any of the expansions if they’re just going to keep removing them from the game?

You compare gaming to toxic waste in your 2nd paragraph, and WE have the bad takes? Spare me this apologist garbage.

Kotaku: “Please free me from these bad takes.”

Also Kotaku: “Now please read our bad take.”

I wonder what happens to a parent’s Social Credit Score if they give the ok to bypass the restrictions?

Comparing consuming media to using drugs is kind of assuming the whole argument. 

You failed to explain what the problem is with “gaming addiction” and “delinquent spending”, as those are both super vague terms. Is a 13 year old spending all their pocket money on gacha delinquent spending? Why is that bad? Why should a regulation aim to curtain how kids can blow their savings? If it’s proximity to

Maybe we should ask why gaming addiction is such a huge problem in China? I’m guessing the prevalence of gatcha games, the console ban (which clearly drew gamers to mobile), and the overall culture of pushing your kids to study non-stop so the little free time they have is spent sucked into a phone. This honestly

Feels like this could have been written to be less inflammatory. It’s more of a “hey you don’t have all of the facts, here’s what you’re missing out on” situation, but instead it’s presented more like “fuck you you’re wrong.”

EDIT: The fact that my browser tab reads “Calling China ‘Anti-Gaming’ Really Misses The Mark”,

It amazes me that Valve can sit on a mountain of player metrics but be unable to fix this. 

OK everybody!  We changed the video game cowboy’s name!  Problem solved!  Please resubscribe to WoW?

Can this guy just go away already?  I mean no Disrespect.  Literally.