
This is a good idea, and here is why.

Heavily vegetable-topped pizzas can have a lot of water on top if they are prepared incorrectly; and cutting said pizza will lead to a box so soggy that the pizza falls through it onto my shoes which WERE flyknit Nikes and now I have hot pizza water BURNING MY FEET and that’s how

Life in Aggro is sooooo close to home with this one. I’m trans, bulimic, and an abuse survivor so my self image is utterly trash. I ask my wife about 10 times a week if I look normal. Usually she has some sarcastic goofy response. Last night she outright told me no, she’d had a couple of drinks.

Who let you out of the grays?

You sound like an idiot.

Hardly young and sexy. You act like they’ve thrown her into skimpy clothing. 

I don’t get it. What exactly is sexy about a younger Ana in a Ghillie suit?

“Awwwwww, poor widdle baby got his fee-fees hurt.”

You’re so cool. 

The man deserves whatever comes to him at this point for such a possibly fatal fuck up, but I will say that is a grade-A apology.

What an idiotic tit. Drunken negligent discharge, while streaming. Congrats for being stupid thrice, chief.

For as stupid as he was, at least he admits what he did was really stupid. A lot of “content creators” would try to explain their way out of it.

Don’t forget that the game starts with a 20 year gap from when outbreak begins and you actually start Joel & Ellie’s story. You can easily build the TV universe around those 20 years.

I don’t know what they should do but I do know what they shouldn’t do — and that is, use the characters we all know..

I like how you commenting here is having the opposite effect of the change you wish to see.

lol, yes, weapon skill trees are definitely a plague upon this industry. 

I find this whole “Pay $60 for 1/20 of the game is dumb” argument to be ridiculously stupid. You do realize that you’re paying not for the story but the new game in its entirety right? If you just want the story, I have news for you, just don’t buy it and watch a LetsPlay. You think Square can just crap out games of

Is it really 1/20th of a game if there’s so much new material though? It sucks that it’s confined only to the Midgar sections, but if they’re going to be adding that much new material, then the whole game is going to be over a hundred hours long and probably cost hundreds of dollars. Spreading it out like this is