
“...and that’s when the nanobots dissolve and supercharge the circulatory system. Anyway, what’s your speciality?”

It is a first world problem, sure. But since we live in a context of being in a first world, the problems are valid, lol.

People are allowed to be bummed for things they were excited for.

Well that’s just a risk. That’s not “reason 1824826138373" not to back kickstarters games, that’s reason 1: If you can’t accept the risk of something falling through, you shouldn’t back it. That’s the very nature of crowdfunding. 

Comparing a pro-gamergater to a man who sexually assaulted a 13-year old is completely unjustified.

Kotaku continued covering Mass Effect despite Manveer Heir working on the game. And he was a hell of lot more racist than this chap.

It says right in said article that they wouldn’t deny coverage to a game based solely upon the political beliefs of its creator. I find this commendable, even though I find Vávra himself entirely objectionable.

Two things...


All I can say to answer that question is, “Too many!”

The dude cheats on his wife, takes a 2 month break, then comes back and plays the “I have X friends” card? This guy went from zero to Pewdiepie (“I joke about killing Jews for the lulz”) faaaast.

Huh, so the dude who acts like a dick on camera as a “joke” is actually unable to handle any criticism of his behavior without insulting someone else. Fascinating.

I don’t know enough about Dr. Disrespect to make a call, but seriously, how you gon use the “I have X friends” card?

Great game, but what a shitty person. As if “improving the core game” and doing whatever little production necessary to make the protagonist a woman (I didn’t even realize he was a man until I saw a silhouette of the mohawk — and even then, I’ve seen women with mohawks!) aren’t mutually exclusive, you can do both. And

Yeah, it’s like half the studio is well-managed and putting out amazing work and the other half is an utter shitshow held together with duct tape and chewing gum. What the hell kind of world are we living in where Monster Hunter is getting more money thrown at it than Marvel vs. Capcom?

Also depends on how much money/PTO you want to lose if you don’t get sick days. Cause the U.S. fucking sucks.

Actually, building the reporting tools and systems that monitor toxic player behavior—as well as coming up with new, more effective ones that are able to catch it before the community managers have to get involved—is very much a thing the programmers in their Features team have to do.

My prediction for this game is that even if BioWare has the best of intentions, EA will screw it up with their greed, then blame BioWare when the game doesn’t sell enough to cover its huge budget (or does but doesn’t make enough of a profit to satisfy EA or its shareholders) and dismantle BioWare like they do every

the fact that this thumbnail is using the “stereotypical offended feminist” pic is probably an indication that they’re a bad faith actor from the start and real, real desperate to validate their usage of a racist icon

“Pretending to be dominant over another race” is not the definition of racism.