The real question is whether these varieties are any good or not. Red delicious can go right ahead and go extinct.
The real question is whether these varieties are any good or not. Red delicious can go right ahead and go extinct.
Eh, I’m ambivalent about a tv show. But they’d better open up The Lost Apple Cidery.
Just yesterday, after reading about Michael’s departure from Jalopnik, I was thinking, “At least Kotaku still has people like Jason.”
Thanks for all your hard work. It really does suck how management led to all of this talent leaving. You were one of the main reasons I come to Kotaku dot com.
Deadspin forever, best of luck Jason.
I’ll sit here and keep wondering how long the rest of the familiar faces across the sites have before they’ll be lost too, or, everything gets sold off again and hopefully to a group less fucking scummy.
You have done amazing work here Jason. I’m sorry to see you go, but am looking forward to your new ventures!
And this why Jason is the best. Expose article that’s reported well, and then follow up when things look like they’re changing. I hope that Jason gets to write as many “They’re doing better” follow-up articles as he can. “Blood, Sweat, & Pixels 3: They’re learning”
Improving the culture of a company is a hard thing to do that takes a lot of time. I hope that it works out for all the people on the ground at Rockstar. To make the culture of a company worse, all you really have to do is to start an herb garden.
And you keep your job after this?
Show of hands...
If you had the personal email/phone number of your company’s CEO, someone who is one of the most powerful people in their entire industry, who could end your entire career without a second thought if you rubbed them the wrong way...would you contact them, for any reason?
Honestly, if things are so bad…
The offical AV Club party line is that The Last Jedi was an amazing movie that revitalized the Star Wars franchise, and if you didn’t like it you are a sexist CHUD who deserves to rot in your parents’ basement for all eternity.
There’s a very contrarian bent when it comes to Star Wars in certain places, especially here.
Star Wars films can never be accused of being great art, but they shouldn’t be boring. TLJ was dull as hell.
Hell, The Last Jedi was one of the best things to happen to this series in decades and people are still arguing about how it was actually bad.
“Redmon is “working on a tell-all memoir.” At least we now have something to look forward to!”
OK Boomer
It’s great seeing all these companies help out with ventilators. I read that Formula One racing teams were using their expertise to build them, and the $500 MIT ventilator concept too.
Good question. So, yes. Final Fantasy VII Remake is completely accessible to people who haven’t played the original game... until the last chapter. At that point, it’s hard to follow even if you have finished FFVII — if you haven’t played it at all, the ending will be incomprehensible.
I don’t want the comments of this review to have any spoilers, but I’ll do some sort of post on Friday in which we can all talk about the whole game.
I’m still trying to get better at visualizing what I can mix-and-match at home. The other night I threw together some leftover sauteed apple slices with vanilla bean ice cream and some Planters roasted & salted almonds, and it was awesome.