Garfield Thelonius Remington III

Their pitch included promises to develop technology for air conditioning uncovered stadiums. That hasn’t happened. Shocking, I know.

He was essentially chiseled in stone as a third keeper for a ton of USMNT matches and camps, so the nine caps actually belies dozens of call-ups.

“Non-educated” is also a good proxy word for “non-experienced,” meaning a lot of those people have never been to places outside their hometowns and seen or interacted with people fundamentally different from them. This makes the average under-50 non-educated white male extremely vulnerable to manipulation, as they are

It is! Or, well, there is a word, “heartiest”, but it means “the most hearty.” “Hearty” is not the same as “hardy,” which is also a word.

Checking at work, to circumvent the office firewall blocking various video players and Twitter, in my office with the phone connected to a bluetooth speaker. So as I’m scrolling, looking for the tweet I can’t read on my computer screen....

Also, fun fact about the autoplay ads on mobile: if you pause the ad video to make the sound stop, then scroll down past it, IT STARTS PLAYING AGAIN.

Actually, it’s “Cities: Skylines”, Kelsey.

Yet more auto-play ads - with sound! - on mobile. Can this be reported, or is it all part of Jim Spanfeller’s grand scheme to bring G/O back to 2008 and sink the whole fucking enterprise?

Maybe it’s a poorly-worded attempt to say that the league should either go whole-hog and suspend him, or let him play. The administrative leave thing is paid, a suspension wouldn’t be, so the only true “punishment” here is to the Yankees organization and their fans, not to German himself.

We’re doing autoplay videos and ads now? Really? Is that the great new revenue idea from G/O?

The entire mobile experience is so unbelievably fucked it’s mind-blowing.

It took me a depressingly, embarrassingly long time to finally get this.

Wait, do we NOT want that?

I think you misunderstood the comment, there.

It truly, deeply saddens me that probably 80% of people who see this (the declining a raise and donation thing, not this post, specifically) will not think critically enough about it to come up with exactly this take, even though it’s right there and obvious before them.

Weird to say it about a team that has won so much and once employed the likes of Franz Beckenbaur, Rudi Voller, Jurgen Klinsmann, Lothar Matthaus, etc., but the outgoing generation right now might be Germany’s golden generation. Harsh to see them decline, they’ve been what I’ve known for as long as I’ve been a soccer

When I covered MLS, I used to eat so much of the media food at Gillette Stadium in the press box that I had trouble staying awake during post-game press conferences, and that food is “reasonable mass-catering” quality at best. If I had these amenities to work with I’d have died of overindulgence at like my second

If anyone could...

No, that’s not it. To say criminal is “absolute” is wrong and actually a little dangerous, though I know you didn’t mean it like that. The standard is “beyond a reasonable doubt” because the necessary outcome is a restriction of the defendant’s basic liberties, so it has to be certain to the jury that the defendant

Hey Patrick, is the video in this using the new proprietary video player? Because it’s vibrating and re-sizing constantly like an accelerated heartbeat unless I full-screen it. Tell Jim he sucks.