I’m starting to get a very distinct sense that the lifelong Warriors fans reacting poorly to this piece didn’t actually read it.
I’m starting to get a very distinct sense that the lifelong Warriors fans reacting poorly to this piece didn’t actually read it.
The “you have Marchand” defense is so tired. Yes, he has a deserved reputation as a cheap and dirty player. He was a little better this season about it, but then hit a slump in the playoffs and it all came back out. No doubt about it. None of that excuses the boarding, the near-decapitation of Grzelcyk, the constant…
Or titanic, according to Dan Brooks.
Bartending at a decent place, getting your tips paid out in cash? I spent my 20s working in those environments and with people who had random stacks of cash littered throughout their houses. Honestly, if she has a safe she’s just a little smarter, that’s all. My dad also bartended in his 20s and told me a story about…
The LeBron retweet is particularly instructive here: if Lowry went to Stevens’ office and shoved him, he’d be arrested. Stevens is getting off easy. Also, you sort of have to up the ante for a billionaire team owner, because the more “standard” punishments you might see for a random fan wouldn’t even register to him.
I always thought the proper term was “gel” not “jell”. Am I wrong? Has my whole life been a lie?
My hammy seized up just watching it.
* - the President of the United States
I got nothing. This is the most wholesome and pure thing on the internet today.
You’re being a real Contador.
The exit for Hartford can be cut in case of cost overruns. If you actually need to be IN Connecticut for some reason, just drive off the edge of the highway. It will feel better.
Yeah but he’s not suing them to get back something he feels he is owed, or anything of the sort. The Lions want him to be some kind of ambassador for the team. He justifiably does not have a good opinion of the organization and does not want to do that. But, he has said that he WOULD do that if they pay back the…
Would you say they will be busy?
That play was partly indicative of just how utterly terrible Marchand was last night.
That’s always my favorite. The author (usually Diana, in particular) lays out all the reasons why it’s discriminatory and wrong, and then the comments explode with exactly the same discrimination that is shot down in the piece.
This is precisely the correct audience for such a joke.
I’m having a lot of trouble enjoying the glorious sound of this dinger after watching - and hearing - that weightlifter’s leg snap in half.
Good call. It’s the sound. Oh, god, the sound.
There’s a place in South County Commons that a friend of my family owns who does authentic Neapolitan pizza. Considering he spent the first half of his life in Naples and he studied pizzeria cookery over there, too, you can trust the quality. It’s very, very good.
This was the hardest vote yet, by a longshot. Advantage Allison, but everyone’s a winner here.