
Shame I can't seem to find a "buy at" option anywhere :( (or any other amazon for that matter)

@Dayvan Cowboy: I was going to say.. Why can't the aliens just look from the top, down? (from our perspective of the solar system)

@60Hz: sorry, it just looked implied to me that you were doing "cod did this so halo must be copying" :)

@60Hz: No it did not. Besides, Call of duty didn't invent challenges so pffffttt to that comment.

Have they found a round device with a large hole in the middle, covered up with stone yet?

@plasticmouse: Really? It just simply means that she could be this films version of Ripley, the protagonist of sorts, the "badass woman" as The_Geb said in another comment.

With the OS reinstallation guide and this article here, i'm beginning to suspect that i need a tin foil hat.

Personally, Voyager is my favourite out of the ones i've seen. (I've currently just started season 5 of TNG and have watched all of Enterprise).

Warp Speed is my least favourite of the FTLs i know of.

Nope sorry.. I only knew there were 3 seasons..... and a movie.

I really hope this'll work on the Hero.

@penguoctopus001: Good call. If they play minecraft for long enough they might start seeing everything as blocks, try to fashion themselves a crafting table and a few pickaces then dig their way to the surface..

@Aidan Power: FroydVillain is pretty darn stable on my Hero. Much more so than a lot of previous 2.1 roms. I haven't had any issues personally. The camera works but I never use it since it's a bit shit.

huh.. i didn't even know there was an American version..

This is the show that got me into Sci-fi.

I take it that this is for all platforms? If it is then i'm unimpressed, considering that Brain Training is on one handheld.