
Couldn't agree more. I think in order for Canon to make a successful mirrorless, they'd have to keep an EF-EF-s mount in it. Too many people aren't willing to change mounts for what is usually a back-up camera.

It's a growing one. I have a feeling that point and shoots won't exist in the semi-near-future. Phones are taking over point and shoots, but there will always be people who want something better than phones, but less than a DSLR. That's where the mirrorless market will thrive. Profit margins on point and shoots aren't

You didn't read the entire article, did you? Hell, you didn't even manage to read the headline.

Trollin' like a mutha'.

Because Apple would never make something that ugly. The plastic on the bottom and top of the metal backing isn't conducive to Apple's design history and as Joshua mentioned, the plastic on the bottom of the speakers really throws out a no-no for Ive's aesthetic interpretation of design.

I need to get up there and grab some of the Hassy's they left behind.

Huh, those must have been ridiculous cases. There may be a select few lots of those out there, but I've inquired to a great deal of other photographers and theirs only varies by at most a half-a-stop in complete darkness (i.e. not a real-world situation)

Not exactly; not in the low-light situations they're talking. In such low-light conditions auto metering is borderline useless.

Well played, sir.

Sorry it took so long.

It's the single best purchase I've ever made. Get the extra bits for it. It's literally an entire tool-box except for a hammer (which it CAN do, but isn't good at).


Of course there are photographers that shoot more than 5 fps. I never said there weren't. I know there are plenty of purposes for shooting more than 10 fps, believe me. In the realm of things though, that's not photography in my sense of the word. Speaking statistically, if you're shooting 10 fps at a sporting event,

The Leica M9 is absolutely beautiful, but have you ever tried to shoot a 10-hour wedding with a form-factor like that? It's not going to happen easily. We want large magnesium bodies, because they feel right in your hands when you shoot with them and they have the power we need. Your x100 may out-perform his camera in

That's what mirror less and point and shoots are for. Now quit bitching about professional bodies when you're looking for something entirely different.

Yea, that's what I was elaborating on. I'm beyond impressed that they managed to get that many fps in a ful-frame, but I've never used more than 5 fps, and to be honest, I probably never will. If you want to shoot more than 10 fps, shoot video, not stills.

I think the Canon 1DX still has the upper-hand over the D4 right now. Higher native ISO, Ethernet connection, higher frame-rate (although I despise photographers why treat their camera like a machine gun), and a few other minor details that hold it above the D4. I do think the light-up buttons would be wonderful,

A wedding photographer at a reception, star-scapes, photojournalists with stories they need to cover at night. There are a million practical uses for ISO that high.

It's called build quality. As a photographer who has been in some hellish environments, I'll take a heavy, tank of a camera over a light, not-so-durable camera any day. Plus the weight of the camera when it's in your hands is what gives it that high-quality feel.

If I ever had the expendable financial resources that they do, I'd for sure be going GTA on the world.