
Best Post Ever.

Insane. Unfortunately I'm waiting for the iPad2. Mainly for the hardware boost and facetime.

I'm still waiting for Road Runner.

@jamesbjenkins: Also speaking as a professional + photographer, I'd still have to say aperture is my preference. I'm not pushing it on anyone. @splitlenz, most photographers take into account when shooting how the lens will affect the outcome.

Dang. I wish my fiance was this good with wood.

@balloondoggle: Especiallly from that dude. He obviously has rapist written all over him.

Anyone else think he looks like Michael Jackson?

@tealfixie: Very true on the watermarking and output. Although the lens correction, very rarely is used. Most photographers take that into account when choosing the lens. Also the built in Vault option is beyond useful.

Where are the yellow bricks?

@Schalliol: Agreed. Aperture is the way t go if you have a Mac.

@theprancingboar: That's when downloadable content comes into play. Not only that, but they're starting to add WiFi in subways more and more now. Which would mean streaming wouldn't be a problem.

I think I just cried a little.

@metronome49: Exactly. It's still worth a shot though.

@metronome49: Honestly I have not a problem in the world with that. especially if we can start using the usb sticks they used with the air. Hell, throw a Blu-Ray on one of those bad boys.

@theprancingboar: No I find it funny that you think "Apple is nearly forced to get a Blu-Ray Player." Even beyond that though, Apple isn't looking for physical media. AppleTV and The MacBook Air just goes to prove my point. They want streaming, and downloadable content.