
@theprancingboar: No I find it funny that you think "Apple is nearly forced to get a Blu-Ray Player." Even beyond that though, Apple isn't looking for physical media. AppleTV and The MacBook Air just goes to prove my point. They want streaming, and downloadable content.

MobileMe is where it's at. Although does anyone else with a MobileMe email feel like a tool when you have to end it with "" I always feel like a douche.


What is the PowerTeam going to rip in half now? Encyclopedias? I have a feeling Wiki will get a boner from that.

Damn, I feel like I need to go find a new hiding spot for my journal.

@dcarrington01: I was a five year old child, what wasn't I doing?

@Twoflower: Very nice. Never thought of it in that context.

@Freezen: Yea, 2300 dmn well earned tickets.

@Freezen: 2300 well earned tickets.

This is bullshit. All I ever got at Chuckie Cheese's was some candy and the occasional stuffed animal that tore after a days use.

My fiancee is Aussie. I'll have her translate this into "normal" english.

I see some serious resemblance.

I think I know where they got the general design. Jabra disgusts me.

Worst use of stop motion I've ever seen. I've seen better GIFs on 4chan.