
I guess they figure that if there is a whole beach and/or jungle, there are more places for the females to hide? That guy is a lawsuit waiting to happen. I question the producers' judgement on this one.

Next season - Caleb the stalker sociopath from Big Brother. What could go wrong?

You should read my comments more carefully. I'm not trolling the show - I am making legitimate observations based on MY subjective interpretation of the story. Sorry that it doesn't fit YOUR subjective point of view. If you don't like my comments, there are almost 1,200 more of them here. Move on to the next one

I don't totally understand your comment. Thich "deleted scene" are you referring? And where did you see it? And what, exactly, did it reveal? What is "off the books stuff" in this context? Mary confirmed that she and Matt had sex when she woke up before, and she was happy to be pregnant. This absolved Matt of the

You are entitled to think that my comments "generally suck". However, many characters in the story (Matt was banished from Miracle) "thought that", and dozens of commenters in this thread "thought that", so maybe you need to pay more attention to what's going on - if that's possible, as the target is always moving on

So, 25 episodes of death, darkness, despair, depression, despondency, disillusionment, and many other negative "d" words, to end on an "upbeat" moment? Seems incongruent.

Methinks you read too much into it. It seemed more like just a neat bow in which to tie up the ending of the series, if necessary, but, if they make it until another season, Lindelof is a "spin master", plus there is the future, the past, sideways, inter dimensional movement, and, of course, "supernatural, or

Wrong show - same scene - different actors.

So, at least The "Priest", Matt, is not a rapist, which, as we all know, would not be a foregone conclusion in the real world..

"I can't fathom Lindelof fucking with the audience to that degree". I can and do.

If The Leftovers is cancelled, it would hardly be "abrupt". When they can't get three-quarters of a million people to watch the show, it seems the "handwriting is on the wall", and it's not "the numbers".

" it sure gave us one hell of a memorable ending." Well, if not "Memorable", at least eerily and sadly familiar. Erika King's acting was superb, as were most of the actors scenes. Too bad the story didn't live up to the performances.

Yeah, Beema - If you didn't like the show - it's on YOU for continuing to watch, so "don't be such a prick" and state your own subjective view of the story that doesn't meet with "Cliff"'s sensibilities. Jeez!

IMO - more than a "tad".

If the shoe fits ……

"But for me, fake purgatory/dream episodes? And this ends the season/series?When there are no rules to reality, nothing is real and nothing means anything.

Sorry, some folks in here get pretty touchy about anything that does not fit their subjective view of what is happening in in this fictional story. There are also some very funny comments that are either sarcastic or just funny observations meant to keep the conversation going. I guess I get touchy sometimes, too and

Good points. I was being a little flip in my response, since Meg was portrayed in this episode as being very powerful and who used her sexuality to "seduce" Tommy - again. She would like him to be part of her big plan.

First of all, in my role as a "theoretical therapist" I was kidding.

Mine. I was kidding!