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 A much better tune about the, um, subject.

My apologies; is this movie starring Adam Sandler, or Adam Driver? The headline says Sandler, but the body reads Driver.

Comedian John Crist has a great bit about how we in the US have drinks named after world disasters and/or terrorist acts. “Mudslide,” “Car bomb,” etc. He goes on to posit we wouldn’t feel so great if another country had a drink called “Hurricane Katrina. 13 ozs of alcohol in a 12 oz glass, with an upside down

Sounds awfully like a case of impotent rage, e.g., he felt powerless (he was powerless) in light of the assault upon his friend, and wanted to do something, anything, to wipe away that awful feeling of powerlessness. So in that sense, yes, he made it more about himself than his friend.

I tell myself that Man of Steel isn’t Superman, that it’s proto-Superman. He’s donned the suit, but he’s not there yet, and it’s his actions re: Zod that prompt him to develop his code. It’s an origin story set upon a dark tableau.

The gun control portion was bafflingly heavy-handed, Kara’s return to Argo was cold, and felt more arbitrary—like they needed her there just so the baddies could get the ship.

This is the bleed over effect of the over casualization of sex and sexuality. Porn is rampant and in this day and age socially acceptable. 99% of it aggrandizes the male fantasy that women are always down, ready to go.

Tried reading Sleeping Beauties, but something about it didn’t engage me. Might go back to it. Been on sort of a Koontz kick this year.

Oz, the Gweat and Tewwible. A child’s spelling--like Pet Sematary itself.

One fine Christmas Eve, 1986 I think, mom’s boyfriend took me to the shop where I’d had the transmission of my big, bright, banana-yellow ‘75 Cordoba rebuilt.

This being Canada and all I’m confident it will all come out all right in the end.

The show in general would have been much better off if it had never introduced Kara’s cousin. ‘Cause where was he when Kara got that epic beatdown leaving her in a coma? Not saying she needs a man to save her, but that if Superman is introduced, and the worldkillers are such a dangerous threat, where is he?

You forgot:

I take my fish oil at night just prior to retiring. My understanding of the science is rudimentary, and I’m not taking it for its supposed cardio-protective benefits, but rather because cholesterol is the building block of hormones, and these hormones are manufactured by the body at night during sleep. So the thinking

How to stop a bully:

Dookie Crapsalot

21. Bartender: “You probably don’t like Jack Daniels, it being made in Lynchburg and all. How about a White Russian?”