No More College Granddad

I thought these people knew that they were supposed to pay for a new building or buy the Dean a new car?

They just don’t work as hard as MY daughter.

The funny thing is, if a black person works their ass off to get into a school, racists will yell about affirmative action. MEANWHILE.........

People giving you (rightful) shit about the memory leaks part but I remember another Bioware game called Dragon Age Origins that had the same issue on the PC. Something is going on over there and it’s been like that for a while now. Maybe they don’t know how to test for them? I don’t know what’s going on over there

They’re all basically the same game with diffrent skins.

MGSV is a different type of game. Most people want the old school Splinter Cell and not this action first stuff. If Ubi can show me a game that is like the original 3 games, I’m all for it. I see some RPG looking numbers on enemies or the main character (I almost said Sam lol) holding an automatic weapon, haarrrdd

Saw “forced co-op” and almost ranted about something else lol. You have to have a partner to finish the game and in the meanwhile, you get pop-ups telling you about spending your Cells(TM) in the shop.

This. Open world spy game is awesome...if done right. I can’t even imagine how bad Ubisoft would fuck this up. Splinter Cell using the Assassin’s Creed code as a thanks.

I just don’t know if Ubisoft can pull it off though. Going to be filled with a bunch of nonsense that doesn’t fit well with Splinter Cell.

A modern Splinter Cell would suuuuck OH MY GOD. Ornage numbers popping up everywhere. Open world. 48 different costumes you can unlock by “killing all enemies in a mission” because fuck stealth. Nah man, keep that shit dead until Ubisoft gets past this MMO-lite phase they’re in

and ranked play where the people who take their games WAY TOO SERIOUSLY

Pretty much. I’ve tried playing with randoms before the assholes showed up and it was great watching my a teammate drop by themselves with whole squads.

The weird thing with this and Anthem is that they force you to play with other players and act like they will all be civil. Reporting function should have been a top priority for a game that’s based on your teammate not being a shitbag.

It’s their most hyped game this year compared to a game that will never break into the fornite crowd. Hell, even Blackout is sorta popular. This game doesn’t stand a chance.

But Anthem is...nevermind. RIP this new Titanfall game

Another one, some “mra youtube screamer” type ops where they “prove” that overwatch panders to The Feminists(TM)

This is the least surprising thing ever. Overwatch is full of toxic people, including some that write for this very site. This was going to happen. It was in the stars.

Gita: Before the balance changes, I couldn’t unlock anyone. Now I can. It’s honestly still super boring.

Ultimately what Ronson seems to fear is that he (and his friends, like one journalist who “didn’t want me to name him, he said, in case it sparked something off”) can’t say anything he wants to on Twitter anymore.

The cool thing is this shit is still allowed to play online. Should catch a vac ban.