I’ll fully admit to being wrong at Trump thinking about her long enough to pardon her. (I mean, I guess I don’t have a choice lol) I’m glad she’s out. I stand by everything else I said though.
I’ll fully admit to being wrong at Trump thinking about her long enough to pardon her. (I mean, I guess I don’t have a choice lol) I’m glad she’s out. I stand by everything else I said though.
Because literally everyone knows Trump is dumb. Either she’s dumb too or this was a publicity stunt. Trump doesn’t even remember what they talked about, guaranteed. This was a waste of time for everyone except Trump since it’s not like he’s doing anything anyway. That lady will not be pardoned by Trump let alone…
Fuuuck bofe of em. Anyone with any amount of sense knew nothing would come of this but who cares about making it harder for black people when you can put yourself in the news.
But according to new reports, the meeting did not go well, it wasn’t great, and Trump understood nothing.
It’s going to be like that Boondocks scene where Ganstalicious had his song played in court.
The Phoenix University of trolling
I’ve played the series, even the first game. I’m ready for a black Witcher. And I want him to fuck the absolute shit outta Yennefer. Keep it true to the game you so desperate want
My fave thing is y’all looking for the trash hoteps to make your point when other actual black women are mad about this. But I’m not surprised. They only black women solidarity you asses care about are the ones y’all can hopefully leech off of. Maybe this ass kissing will get you a guest spot on Twitter Thread: The…
What the absolute hell is this nonsense? They out here deleting people’s works from her site and you have the nerve to write this trash? Just say you trying to salvage what’s left of her coattails to ride on. Sheesh bro.
Fornite is in some ways a Minecraft clone
Listen to it on the video and you will burst out laughing. It’s so obviously staged. It’s what people who’ve never been harassed think how it happens.
I’m going to shove you into a locker with your games.
It was for steel series headphones. At the end of the video (I think) it was pretty much an advertisement for the headphones.
I have faith in the gamers. They’ve done nothing to show me that they are-
“She added, however, that from her perspective, the campaign has already kind of succeeded in that it got a lot of people talking about harassment”
Yeah, I do actually. How many Minecraft clones tried to happen? Where are they now? The game will stay, the genre popularity will die.
I think this will be a top 10 game on Steam as it gets polished over the next year.