No More College Granddad

It’s funny how mad people got that EA was winning the coveted Golden Poo Award™️. Turns out that they are shitty too.

Ayyyyeeeee we out here. Good shit MArtha. Pretty soon you’ll be ballin out of control and you’ll pretend like you never heard of that backwater sub-blog.

The “got their wish” link goes to apple’s website...unless it was supposed to. If so, I’m even more confused now.

I had it right the first time.

I think it’s important to believe people when they say they were victimized but it’s also important to dig deeper. People hate to say this but sometimes we just don’t believe things like this 100%. And with this, the number will be even less.

These instances are few and far between...well except Asia and Russia for some reason. Also, you can cheat in literally any multiplayer game that’s online.

Very good point.

After digging into his old tweets,

I thought this was the OTHER time he faced a hacker. Knee did a Jet-Upper into a shotgun blast for a win and that dude rage-quit too. They love Devil Kasumi for some reason even though Shin Akuma is in the files.

Like literally every single one. That’s why you sign all that paperwork. Most of it is just, “I won’t sue the company and they can fire me whenever” (At will state of course)

You mean every single job ever.

First, an actual apology and some people getting in trouble for their roles in what happened. I’m not a person to hold a grudge against someone forever if they apologize so IGN will have to prove to me that they are taking steps to make sure this happens less often.

Lol. We all know how that statement is going to go. So after that, what then? Are these people going to be okay to go back to work after the PR filled, non-apology?

What’s the difference? There won’t be a good game from Respawn ever again

RIP Respawn. Killed by EA waaaay before they bought you. Can’t wait for Titanfall 3 on Frostbyte to be released the same day as Destiny 3 or some shit.

That first video is outta there, Brian.

If it’s “just a game” why are these mofos cheating? I’m all for violence. Stop ruining other people’s fun. Devs won’t do shit so I’m glad people are taking matters in their own hands.

*Reads title*

*looks at your avi*

Thank you for doing this so I didn’t have to.