No More College Granddad

This is really weird. I don’t think they should do....

Didn’t even know this. Also, don’t eat the fish.

Less damage is good. I didn’t expect intricate combos but I can go with less damage. As long as there’s no way to actually lose your them, I’m fine.

I’m nowhere close to being good at fighting games but this seems like making it too easy. Double-tapping DP? Combo +super just by hitting light punch a bunch of times? Jesus Capcom.

I’m playing it, just can’t dedicate the time I want to. Can’t really do much in 45 minute spurts. That’s just getting to another galaxy to scan shit.

One day I’m going to be able to dedicate some time to this game. I want to discover stuff too.

What? Why does that exist?

Amazing like still using cartridges when everyone is moving to disks.

I got this because this is the only thing the would let me do since the people that make the bigger decisions, like friend codes and killing the NES Classic, put pineapple on their pizza.

You left off the ; path=/ It should be document.cookie=”VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=fPQ4jCL6EiE; path=/”  

Lol what is that statement? “We hear you. You want your own NES: Classic. Well to the fuck bad. We done.”

Really stepped in it on this one.

The funny thing is I only saw your comment because of it. What wasn’t funny is that the article “above” it was one from a week ago. What is this mess?

LMAO I literally forgot about the windows store until I wanted to try Killer Instinct a few months ago.

The Windows what now?

I’m going to buy it for $38 from some Russian on the same site. Lol, kidding. I’m not finna buy that shit

I didn’t know I wanted a 90s Super Metroid game until now. This is your fault.

I mean not improving on what was bad in Banjo. It seems like they made a 90s game in 2017 and very few people want that.

This is what happens when people aren’t honest about the games they loved. I was looking forward to this too. I might still play it but next year at the earliest.
