
I’ve never gotten any of the GTA games - I just can’t get into playing games as criminals/anti-heroes/etc.   So I won’t be getting it for free, either. /shrug

I’ve never bought it. Not a huge fan of the franchise. I found GTA4 kindof boring, so never bothered spending money on GTA5. That said, for the low, low price of free, I could definitely see myself giving it a chance.

There’s at least many people who never got this on PC.

That would be me, although not entirely true. I had the game on 360 when it released and sold it after a couple of weeks since it wasn’t for me.

I...don’t understand your stance here, honestly. This literally is only a talking point about this game because it’s a remake, it’s like saying that you shouldn’t buy Trails of Cold Steel because it’s part of a larger story. There’s a point to be made about the game not needing to be only Midgar, for sure, but

Except the cases/deaths ratio is staying relatively the same across the world. So this conspiracy theory regarding China is precisely that, a conspiracy.

I have already been successfully fighting coronavirus with video games for months now.

It’s a dumb take.  Watching them isn’t mandatory and you can just assume that if you aren’t interested in them any more then they aren’t being made for you anymore.  They’re being made for the next round/generation of people. 

I wrote the school, too. Then I tweeted the Pope. I hope thousands of people contact them all. I want someone to be held accountable for this.

Reminds me of that photo of the Native American family flipping off Mt. Rushmore and the idiots who were like “GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY.”

I’m hoping “covington high school” becomes a black mark on all college and job applications. 

Seriously. By far, they are the root of almost every problem in this country. 

From the Covington Catholic LinkedIn page: “Educating young men spiritually, academically, physically, and socially.”

I want to punch his smug little face. He, his family and everyone he knows have never done anything great and will never do anything great. They are the definition of mediocre.

It takes an impressive level of stupidity to shout “Build the Wall” at an Indigenous People’s March...

They are rightly getting the public outcry and outrage they deserve. I’ve been following this on Twitter and wrote to both the school and the Covington Diocese. These kids didn’t just spontaneously become racists though. All those hats and t-shirts were likely purchased by their parents. I’d love to know how they’re

I’m no psychologist, but that kid that just kept staring at him is definitely a sociopath.

I... did I just enjoy that trailer? What’s happening!?!

OK to be honest... That looks... AWESOME! :D

“masculine legs” in the sense that if she doest have muscle and has a pretty face the character is a barbie doll, if she has muscles and ugly face it is too masculine... people will never be satisfied :) We have diversity now in league and that’s a good thing. Muscles are muscles, it is not a sign of masculinity like