Inspired by games from the 2016 Self-Care Jam (which Kotaku mined for favorites), MetaFilter users recently named the…
Inspired by games from the 2016 Self-Care Jam (which Kotaku mined for favorites), MetaFilter users recently named the…
Look, they can release as many of these shitty things as they want, but until they release one that has the complete experience of Sonic 3 & Knuckles, not just Sonic 3, not just Sonic and Knuckles, they aren’t getting a dollar out of me.
Of course you’re right that video game publishers do some shady things, be it stuffing their games with microtransactions, showing off generous E3 demos when they know the game won’t look even close to as good, or — worst of all — exploiting labor practices to get unpaid overtime out of all of their workers.
You haven’t been playing LoL for long, have you?
This is her first rework.
Yes. Yes she was.
League of Legends’ stealth assassin Evelynn is next up to get a rework. The 2009 champion will receive an overhaul of her abilities and overall look, as seen in this teaser, in an upcoming patch.
I would argue that, considering he has literally written a book about the trials of game development after spending I-don’t-know-how-long actually visiting and talking with studios for it (not to mention his years of covering video games) he would be a fairly reliable source of information outside actually working in…
I promise you that it is not an overestimation. If anything, it’s an underestimation. As I said above, you have to account for office rent, cleaning, equipment, taxes, other staff who aren’t working directly on the game, console certification costs, software costs, and so many other expenses that come up over…
Nope. It’s not like being dropped by a sponsor at all. Because one case is about a sponsor, and the other is not. Dropping someone you’re sponsoring is withing your rights, filing a DMCA claim for a game you have given everyone permission to stream is not within your rights. DMCA is for copyright infringement, not…
Well, to be fair, we get to hear the n-word frequently over here from movies, music and the internet in general. And none of us have grown up with the word with the negative connotations that you have in the US, well we’ve known it’s a bad word, but not the weight behind it.
While Nier Automata’s 2B has been the undisputed cosplay star of 2017, she’s not the only character being featured…
A new record has been set for North American League of Legends.
Mithy’s an absolute legend
This is not a testament to the abilities of Zven but a testament to the abilities of his Support Mithy that went a whole season not letting his ADC die even once. Way to go Mithy for being the best Support in EU!
Sometimes it’s enough just to not die. Survive, and the rest might follow. That was certainly the case for G2…
It’s Labor Day weekend, the unofficial end of summer, which means it’s also time for the League summer season to…
Yes but at the same time if you HAVE to win (or even be in the top 2 or 3) to be viable, then that is obviously a huge issue for the organization at large. It’s not going to be around for long if the only way your team can survive is to win.
Not only is this some of the best League of Legends cosplay I’ve ever seen, it’s also one of the most professional…
Special K? GTFO!