
I want to see companies compete under that space. You won-t create country used by millions and allow people to buy only from a single store. there must be fair competing environment. Just because they create the OS it wont give them the right to abuse of that market. The OS is not the store, the store is an app. You

THey dont want to become apple, they want to be able to compete against apple. Someting Apple wont allow on iOS, you can only have app store and not epic store. So if you have 2 stores, you can compete, if you have 1 store, it is a monopoly. Simple and clear. Android allows you to side load apps and to have

Yes, because apple can do whatever they want and get away with anything they do. It is so funny how people defend a monopoly. but probably would be the first ones to complain if the world would only have 1 single store and no choice. Clearly that-s not what a OS that invites third party apps should do... but ok, it is

Actually I dont see something bad on release the next gen by Christmas. Kids will beg to have it by Christmas... and It is good to push the graphics a bit further , the earliest the better. :) It wont hurt other consoles, if you still want to stay with xbox one, you can... There are plenty of games on this gen

Apple knows that if they control the medium where apps coming in, they also control what they want to be there. And they control all the cash in... but if they want to accept third party apps, sooner or later they will have the face the consequences of allowing it to be equally competitive for all developers and to

Shouldn’t be the user the one to decide what or not to install? Nothing tells me Apple devices are more secure than android just because apple controls the store. IN fact, there are many security issues on apple devices too... starting with in house apple apps. Like we could already see over the news when it happens.

but in android i can install epic store or any other market app outside google play. Can I do the same on any iphone? nop..

Looks like some nike air shoes, actually looks nice for a kid. :)

It is about skill, it is about firework experience vs precision. Overwatch is a lot of firework, valorant tried to copy piece by piece CS gameplay and game stye and add some overwatch layer on it. The problem is, if you like something clean and balanced like a simple chess gme, you go for CS, if you want something

It maked it harder to baance and riot is really bad at balacing games. If you look at league of legends, they release micro patches on top of patches... which causes more balance problems. If you get a patch note and then a secret micro patch to buff or nerf champs, items, etc... it kills the game. The same will

I have played a few matches of valorant and I didnt like so much, the gameplay is good but the whole thing looks like a cheap CS ripoff. In the end I also pref the original CS without any powers. I might give it another try but so far... meh.

The whole way this article is written is a bit racist and filled with anger and hatred. Race will always be an excuse for violence. In my opinion, the bigger problem here is violence overall, people will always find motives for violent acts... statues, genders, races, professions, hobbies,... will this ever change. We

Looks like a more boring version of overwatch paladins game... I get it, CS is a popular game and in the creators mind... “let-s try to steal the CS player base by adding some overwatch powers to CS...”. 

Covid made this year really boring and even more “digital”. 


I miss Japan

This generation of pokemons is lost :P

Birdfish? It is a bird and a fish. I think all these new pokemons are so... well diluted, if you know what I mean. The pokemon formula is nice but why introduce a thousand . better focus in quality instead of quantity :P

You got it latter lol I really like the idea of having more sony exclusive games on PC! If they keep doing that, ill keep buying their games :) I love detroit become human, something I would never have the opportunity to experience if it wouldnt come for PC. Tried demo, bought it straight away in Epic Store.

It is getting old and tiring to hear about white, yellow, black, grey, ...It is important to see diversity in the human race but we can-t just give an oscar to someone because diversity... you cant just invite everyone too because of diversity. There are also diversity in what we call white people”, some white people