aamd vega is coming out.... new nvidia GPU’s will come out...
aamd vega is coming out.... new nvidia GPU’s will come out...
Pretty smart to have bought a Xbox One or Xbonx One S and now buy a Xbox One X xD that would give me 800$+ in a short period of 2 years... plus pay for online service.... Do you know what I did? Got 2 xbox one controllers, 1 pc, connected to my TV. perfectly fine for me.
good luck in doing with that console what you can do with a PC. Wait for amd vega... or the new gen of nvidia gpu, invest some $... in the long run, you have a more capable machine.
It would cost you more to have the same library of games as PC ... you will need to keep the old gen of hardware components, pay for an online service, buy another HDD that wouldnt fit anymore in the console, you can’t upgrade ... I gave up on consoles after getting my nintendo switch (no more consoles for me). PC…
PC will cost less in the long run. You dont need to pay for online services, you can be very flexible in the components. for example, by the time you see the xbox one x in the market you will have the affordable amd vega graphic cards that will beat this console. So with those 500$ you can have a PC with equal…
Get a gaming PC, spend 1000 $ in a decent desktop, hook to your TV and have the best graphics, server, and storage system... and more. Consoles are complicated to backup data, are not compatible with older games, they suffer of network issues, they can’t be “adapted” to your needs, you can’t install software, not so…
PS4 Pro waste of $, xbox One X, another waste of $... get yourself a PC.
Xbox One X will be a huge fail... with 500$ I will get a GeForce 1080 for PC.
Did you get excited for any game? I liked dragon ball and maybe ORI... the rest is just the same games from the latest gen with a different “skin”.
It’s not about “fan boys”... its about being boring for real. The conference was boring, they had those typical fake marketers -non gamers presenting their games... and the lineup didnt “excite” me. in my opinion, A brand new generation Xbox 10S would had been more excinting than a Xbox One X... such a missed…
People that can really afford a game will always buy the games... This month I bought my tekken deluxe edition for PC. I bought last month overwatch and paladins (starter pack). I bought skins for League of Legends, and I bought bayonetta and vanquish for PC. If I couldnt afford it, I wouldnt buy them, that’s clear -…
This is not a problem, people that can really afford a game $ will always buy the game. I bought my deluxe edition for Steam... I just finished story mode. Great game! Can’t wait for injustice 2 on PC!
I see Garen, Katarina, Lux, Ashe, Morderkaiser, Nocturne, Kayle, Janna...
education plays a strong factor... but lets go again and put some walls. Btw, none of those laws will stop these hackers. They are good at breaking the system, they will be good at breaking the law...
I feel cheated all the time in overwatch while playing, sometimes I am not even sure if there’s a bullet hitting or not... and the spectating should really show these details and it doesnt.
I dont get how this game was considered a GotY.... it’s a big mess and most of times not as fun as, for example, “paladins”. Mayhem game mode it might be a nice for a esport scene though. Essentially they need to improve the spectating modes
They just want to copy the system of league of legends... which ranks you lower than the previous season... I don’t get this logic, it feels like you are punished by the end of every season... somehow motivating people to quit the game (especially for the players that can’t invest much time in the game).
Anyway, those games wouldnt be bought at full price by the same people that pirate. Probably they wouldnt even buy a Nintendo DS if they wouldnt be able to Pirate.. some ppl buy the hardware already thinking about this “ffeature”.
I own the switch and the only game that I really enjoy playing is fast rmx... mario kart is the same as wii U, the zelda is not the type of game that I am willing to invest my time.... not sure what more I can do with this piece of hardware... maybe wait for a smash bros or f zero... for me it was a disappointment,…