
I wouldn't say the onus is on the less sexual. I would say it's the opposite. If the other partner would like it once a day and compromises at 2x a week, they are letting their wants let down 5x a week.

I would add to the list:

But he's half right: Lincoln's role in ending slavery is largely mythologized. The principal reason that the North declared war on the South was that the Confederacy had made off with land and resources belonging to the US government. Slavery was the factor that caused the South to split, but the Union didn't declare

So we are going to spend money on a law, that prevents a crime, which takes place in the mind of the victim? Couldn't stars say the pics of them are with out their permission (some of which are with out their permission) and are harming them????? and what about mug shots? and prep walks? {don't get me wrong i

But how else are we supposed to save people from their self-created problems?


You know how the internet works, Erin. Write anything mildly critical of someone and the internet hoardes demand that person end their life. Nuance doesn't translate well in pixels, I guess.

Not Madeleine, perhaps, but some of the commenters and the perpetually offended internet hive mind which demands a blood sacrifice almost daily.

Yet another case of "Something must be everything or else it is nothing," huh? I appreciated his thoughtful response.

You know, I think we need to wait to see how Tim Gunn's thoughts develop on this issue before burning him at the proverbial internet stake. Transgender issues in fashion are new, and there is a learning curve. Shit, I'm thirty years younger than Tim and sometimes I am still confused/struggling with these issues too.

I agree. Can't we use what Tim said as jumping off point for a positive discussion about what types of bodies are actually used to model, versus the types of bodies most women actually have? But, where would be the fun in that, I guess?

Bring out the torches....

You know, I don't have a huge problem with an adult admitting that an issue is complicated and trying to think it out. Transgender issues and rights are relatively recent discussion points, so I don't fault people in not immediately jumping to the "correct" conclusion and worldview. I'm not saying we should give

I think the title expresses it perfectly. He's conflicted. I can see him working through these issues in his head. He seems like a good guy, thinking hard about something that is a big part of his life. I think that's allowed.

Yeah, duh. Even Jezebel.

Pro-tip: do your own research, talk to other people and do not believe everything about feminism that is spoon-fed to us via media outlets that are trying to sell us shit and take all our money.

The kind of feminism they are selling is watered down to appeal to the masses which is fine but there are a lot of important parts of feminism which won't be discussed because they are hard things to shine a light on. Also it's mainly aimed at white women so you're not reaching women of other ethic backgrounds who are

The problem is that when feminism is something marketed it's linking its arms with capitalism, which most feminists worth her salt are pretty critical of. If the ideology is made into something you have to purchase, then it's not worth having at all.

"Fuckin' beautiful."