Gamma Male

"the less-frustrating comic book"… Less frustrating, perhaps, but still awful.
There, I said it: The Walking Dead comic book is awful.

A tag-team of Dr. Tongue and Bruno.

It happens. People just explode.

"great, but you better have a bankable star attached in the lead or you sure as shit ain't getting funding." I don't disagree with this statement, but the Ancient One isn't the lead, and as talented as Tilda Swinton is, she's not a blockbuster lead.

A bubble bath-based Margot Robbie should never be excluded.

Well said, Mr. Laurence.

Most expressive opening credits scene in tv history. It's just a great snapshot of each character.

I was thinking that while reading this review. I would watch everything in this show except the star of it.

That's true. And it's not like I'm watching Trout perform comedy or tell stories, so his charisma-vacuum shouldn't matter.
But I find knowing someone is an a-hole does detract from my appreciation of their game. I don't care how good AJ Pierzynski ever was, I couldn't stand the bastard.

He's not too happy with the Mets, from what I've heard.

I think you're right about Trout being the best overall player, but the criticisms of him being dull as dishwater also ring true. Donaldson just ran away last year; time will tell if he can keep up that level of performance. He only has one more year of hitting in front of Bautista and Encarnacion - he didn't receive

And Chico Escuela.

He wasn't the AL MVP last year. The Viking was.

I would agree that it was a bad idea to tell such an important story (Glory) in African-American history from the perspective of a white guy, but what saves it from being an awful whitewash is the fact that Freeman, Washington and Braugher played fully realized, nuanced characters. They could have easily been reduced

I love that voice. I do a pretty good imitation of that voice.

The Godfather, Parts I and II, just because I've seen them both so often that I can drift in and out of concentration and still be in the moment.

I would become an American citizen just for the privilege of voting for that ticket.

Good. The Academy has apologized. Now there will be no more Asian racism in Hollywood.
One less thing to worry about.

If only predators work as police officers, why are there rhinos, elephants and cape buffaloes?

Tits, I tells ya, tiiiiiiiits.