
US News and World Report. They’re still around but switched to online-only publishing almost a decade ago. It’s funny, Superman still has a print edition.

Since all of his scores have been removed, it’s possible Guinness will remove that from their records. In the case of the Dragster score decision, I was told that Guinness “will continue to partner with Twin Galaxies for further video game record verification.” We’ll see what happens.

I played about 30 seconds of that video and the sounds from Donkey Kong put me into an immediate nostalgia fugue state. Jesus, I’m older than hell.

Amazing how well is scales for a game made back when. Thanks for the vid!

I would expect an article here on RDR 4k tomorrow. I’m sure Digital Foundry are licking their collective chops right now.

It’s a tell. The more she feels like she has to lie, the faster she talks.

I hope things get better mate for you mate :)

Right? The entire point of his arc was that he WASN’T the real big bad. I don’t understand how so many people don’t get that, and it provides a lot of evidence that many of the people that hated TLJ didn’t weren’t paying attention.

It’s on one of the menus just push the stick in the direction of the villain you want to go after. It happens right after or prettt soon after you finish the ace chemical plant if I remember right. Otherwise look for the bat signal in the sky and go toward that

Don’t attack the red eyed ones. They’ll attack the other Watchers and make it easier for you.

The dude is half way to being a colossus already, perfect choice!

You deserve way more stars that what you currently have.

Marry me.

There is no question that there is, or at least was (during the filming of King of Kong) a Twin Galaxies Inner Circle. This is further validated by other classic games docs like Chasing Ghosts and Man vs Snake. Rogers is/was definitely part of that circle. You also get the feeling watching those movies (I’m not even

Super C for me. Everything about the game just felt better. Guns were meatier, motion was smoother etc.


Now playing

Here you go, and yes that is the actual composer playing:

agreed, one of the best symphonies ever! =)

not to mention the same people voted for a child molester in alabama so they can fuck off with their fake concern about children