
Where did you get those numbers?

I have never heard of this. 

People who acknowledge their mistakes, apologize, and are ultimately held accountable should be allowed to land on their feet eventually. The extent of his transgressions hardly meets the threshold for “unforgivable”. He resigned from the Senate, went through the cancellation spectacle, and now (5 years later), people

But Lifehacker told me to….


This wasn't common knowledge? 

You’d be a fool not to buy with a discount like that!

No one’s forcing you to either pay attention, participate or comment on it, yet here you are.

A Transit Connect Raptor would just rule. 

When your theme song can be used by an intelligence agency as torture -- IS it really harmless?

You know what would be helpful here? Recipes. 

The best nuggets are always shaped like dinosaurs.  

I believed her from the beginning. It’s so unfair the way she’s become the witch to publicly burn. There is evidence at the very least of mutual abuse, as well as massive evidence of Depp’s vile misogyny and drug/alcohol-fueled rages over decades, so the PR campaign to paint her as the aggressor and him as an innocent

Absolutely. I also completely believe her. Given the $15 million payment that they came up with in 10 minutes it seems pretty obvious that they were following this in the internet even though they weren’t supposed to.

I believe her when she says she was assaulted by Johnny. I feel bad for her that not only do people not believe her, they are abusing her even more. Its not right and not fair.
The outcome would have been different if the juror were sequestered. 

I just have to tune out anyone who uses the word “sando.”


If tattoos make you wanna puke then you need to reevaluate yourself.

It isn’t hypocrisy when it is fascism.
