Schumer is a better fit than putting one of the up-and-comers (Harris, Booker, etc.) in that spot. Schumer is just the right type of sponge to take the abuse for the next couple of years while the superstars ready their 2020 POTUS runs.
Schumer is a better fit than putting one of the up-and-comers (Harris, Booker, etc.) in that spot. Schumer is just the right type of sponge to take the abuse for the next couple of years while the superstars ready their 2020 POTUS runs.
Hey, Wil Wheaton, is Kevin Hardwick a peevy asshole?
Rosebud was the sled.
Better thought experiment:
“He appears to be a partisan.”
Smug asshole.
We hit the MOUT site at Lost-in-the-Woods and then were trucked to an ANG air-to-ground range off post for the duration. Plan was we’d provide fire on an LZ, alternating with whatever fixed-wing asset we were playing with that day, shift fire off target, the line company would AASLT into the target, assault through,…
81mm at FTCKY. We went “light” to Fort Lost-in-the-Woods once upon a time. Including our squad leader, there were only four of us to hump that bitch for the entire 3-week FTX. Over 180 pounds worth of shit I had to hump when all was said and done.
“Today’s U.S. Army riflemen typically carry 95 pounds—128 pounds for automatic riflemen—despite the Army’s attempts to lighten soldier loads.”
Ben & Jerry’s stubbornly hasn’t approached the low-carb market thanks to their continued refusal to attempt anything to meet that demand.
Fried eggs are the best eggs.
The moment she said, “You have to be responsible for your own conduct,” the light turned green.
I live in the PNW.
And every time I see it (which is every day nearly), I can’t help but think of the missed opportunity:
It’s about fraking time the right gets a taste of what the left deals with every. Single. ELECTION. Let them feel comfortable, let them stay home because they assume they’re safe. And let the pendulum, FINALLY, swing to side that actually reflects the majority of Americans, and not the loud, rascist few that actually…
As a full-time SAHD of more than eleven years to four kids, I agree with this statement.
I prefer Jersey Mike’s, but since starting Keto I’ve begrudgingly been going to Jimmy John’s because of the Unwich.
Same words were once written about Boise State. Remember how well that worked out when they got their chance to prove themselves? Keep that dream the UCF deserves that national title alive, folks.
Or, here’s a crazy idea, stop voluntarily subsidizing the security theater by buying into this nonsense and just get in line with everyone else.
Ah, Christians, the least Christ-like people anywhere.