This cartridge also allows your snes send and receive emails. Now that's just crazy.
This cartridge also allows your snes send and receive emails. Now that's just crazy.
that's why my art is personalized for me and not anyone else lol.
I'm not totally unsophisticated and I read the whole article, but I am more confused now than when I started reading. This quotation is indecipherable to me:
DDoS is just a flood of login requests. It's usually an automated group of "bots" that continuously send login requests, which then knocks the server offline. It's like if every person on the west coast decided to all sign on to Gmail at the same time, ten thousand times. It'll knock anything offline.
Being DDoS'd isn't a sign of a security problem. With some equipment and know-how, any online service can be DDoS'd.
A big "THANK YOU!" to all the hard working people at Sony and MS (and anywhere else) who have to sort this nonsense out on Christmas.
That's exactly how I imagined members of the master race to look like
I've got two eyes, and for me, the difference in frame rate is negligible. As far as I'm concerned, framerateaphiles are the new audiophiles.
Actually the whole "games are art" thing was pushed by journalist and reviewers who yearned to be taken "seriously". The gamers were too busy gaming.
Exactly, because in the end, gaming is really not that important anyway. It is a hobby, a pastime, and people need to stop acting as if it deserves a greater place in life.
"Atrocious sense of humor and style"
Nathan Grayson writting about ETHICS? Really? Oh, this is delicious.
"People in China actually line up for Xbox One" headlines like that sometimes come across as click bait.
I don't think we should be giving these kids any more attention than they deserve.
The 360 version looks a good bit clearer to me.
Not a fanboy (own all three + pc) was merely making a point that Microsoft do actually care about their fans.
This last couple of years seems to have really brought out the petty side of the console wars.
I'll be honest. I don't know what the hell is going on, here. I'm not into gossip, so the lack of context leaves me scratching my head. Without citations, statements such as "We appreciate healthy skepticism from critics" and "The last week has been...a good warning to all of us about the pitfalls of cliquishness in…
There is no way in hell that the Rift is going to revolutionize gaming. But it will be a cool way to spend your time when stoned. LOL. Like visiting Egypt or something. Rollercoasters. Also, i really cant stand when the Oculus people call the Rift a platform. Its not. Its a peripheral. You still need a computer or…