
This kind of reporting is why I trust you guys over all the other video games media. Keep lifting that (figurative) skirt!

Are there any kind of high quality water filters that people could send instead of the bottles of water? I’d be happy to get in on that.

I did the opposite haha. Just finished up (got the 1k) with Fallout 4 on X1 and now I’m going to play Tomb Raider. I bought them both at launch and still think that was the dumbest release date for Tomb Raider.

I just got done playing thru Transformers Devastation. I thought that the combat was cool but there was seriously only 2 different environments and the city one was bland as hell. Hopefully Platinum Games can add in some new backdrops and if so, gimme.

I couldn’t even make it past 40 seconds of the vid. It’s all sorts of wrong and I feel gross for exposing my eye-holes to it.

I don’t understand why Netflix doesn’t have a deeper search ability built right in for people who are willing to use services like this. When I sign into Netflix I have to pick who is watching - adults or kids and it would be great if they added the ability to use the deeper search option on the page. Maybe something

What’s up with all the hate for the RE movies?? I love ‘em and love Milla too

Will it work with any 3.5 HDD? Like, can I toss in a 15k rpm?

I’m only allowed to collect the figures and whatnot that come in CE’s of video games. If it doesn’t come with the game i don’t buy it. Keeps my “useless toy acquiring” in check.

What happens when your VATS target is a bit behind cover? Do the shot just magically hit the targets head no matter what is in the way?

What’s amazing to me after reading through the 13 accounts from the victims is that he still decided to go with “nah, they’re all full of shit” defense. He was obviously considering saying that they were prostitutes, hence the leaving of $20 on the seat after raping them.

If Valve released HL3 soon and kept it off consoles they would definitely move some Steam Machines.

You have the reason in your reply. This is Kotaku and the nut on FB is ANTI-gamergate. If the nut was pro-gamergate the story would get a ton more play.

Honest question, no judgement. Have you ever rubbed one out while playing a video game?

I worked at a Mickey Deez when I was 16. One the 2nd day there the manager clocked everybody under 18 out at 12am as we continued to work unpaid until about 2am. My buddy who got me the job said this is just what they do. The next night when the manager clocked me out at 12am I went home and didn’t come back.

My constant spamming of uppercut and sweep might only beat these guys once out of 100, but my insane celebration would cause them to rage quit. That’s how I play.

Because I refuse to comment on YouTube vids ever again I’ll leave this here - please disable comments on your YouTube vids Mike.

I absolutely love my X1 and even tho I’ll only play the SP campaign and maybe a smidge of MP because I suck so bad I feel compelled to pick up Halo, to, you know, “support the team” am I alone?

I know that for me personally the crazy price of the memory card has kept me away. I just took a quick look on Ebay and it looks like $80 is the cheapest for the 64gb.

Has it become okay to casually refer to red-haired people as “gingers” now? I thought that was a no-no. Not on the same level as using the “N” word but still not cool.