
I saw this on Gamespot earlier (duh) and as I did here I just immediately went to see the comments without watching the vid because I don't really care for multi only games. Looks like more PC elitists here at Kotaku, but much less inflammatory nonsense too. Congrats?

Hmmm, I really hope this guy never gets a job working for AAA.

I have found that pain killers + gaming = awesome. Too awesome. Much better than booze + gaming. Be careful.

I love my X1 controllers (vibrating triggers ftw) but the 360 controllers are still better, at least for now. I want a goddamn chatpad!!!!!

I've logged countless hours in every single Forza game over the years. If Forza 6 doesn't fix that absolute bullshit where the devs couldn't figure out how to get the opponent driveatars to race properly I'm done with the series. I get that 5 was a launch game and as such I'm cutting them some major slack but

I have been waiting for what seems like forever for the 2nd half of JoJo's to start back up and now that it has I feel like I need it to be about 4 deep or so before I can jump back in because watching 1 at a time sucks.

That seemed really short and a lot of interesting stuff left out. What about that extra memory pack that came with a Donkey Kong game I think. How much extra memory did that add? What was the N64 processing power compared to the PS1? Yeah I could look that stuff up myself but isn't the point of the vid to inform

I'm actually quite happy about this. Time to hunker down with Dragon Age and I won't be missing out on anything new!

I've been a member of Gamefly for, geez, upwards of 7 years now. If you are a new member (less than 2 months I'd say) they will send you anything, including brand new releases right away. After that honeymoon period of them trying to get you to stay a member you don't have much chance of getting popular new games

Seriously 5+ minute load times??!!?! I usually do a hard restart well before that amount of time thinking that the game is hung up. Is the X1 version just as long for loading? Great review btw!

No "Gonna be the twin tail"? I'm lovin this one.

The only logical conclusion I can draw from them not releasing actual sales to people data is because Sony dumped a crap ton on money in Activision's lap to try to make Destiny look like an exclusive and it actually sold better or darn near better on Microsoft's hardware.

They are all running at 60fps but with the Halo 2 single player campaign 343 decided to have the old engine running at the same time as the new engine so you can switch back and fourth in real time to see the difference. They said because of running 2 engines at the same time it's going to be 900p native. It's

Am I the only one who strongly believes that every time Eric Jou puts up anything remotely positive about how the Xbox One is doing in China Brian Ashcraft has a 24 hr clock immediately start ticking down in his office to put up an article about how bad the Xbox One is doing in Japan? Tic-Tock Ashcraft.

Themes? Evar??????

I've been in the preview program forever and noticed at a friend's house that his UI seemed faster than mine for some reason. Idk about yours but i had mine set to quick start games and quick to turn on the unit itself, and it turned out he had his on all the power saving modes. The only thing I could think of was

I actually played the crap out of the MMO on 360. I got up to ego 4200 or so but the devs kept changing the rules/costs of items/end game restrictions. When they decided to go F2P it immediately became P2W so I slowly stopped playing it at all. I still think about going back to it tho sometimes because at its core

If I had even the slightest 'shop skills I'd make one filled with all those unsold Destiny PS3/PS4 bundles and just to be fair make another one filled with Japanese Xbox Ones.

I really don't see any problem with this as it's pretty much the same exact set up for gaming at my house. Well, not to brag, but I'm set up for three players.

How about an easier difficulty? I put a few hours into the 360 version but I just can't take the insane early PS2 difficulty Rockstar feels like GTA must have for some reason. I finished GTAIV with constant use of cheats and it was not fun. I don't even know if V had the same cheat set up as IV and I don't care. I