
What's scarier is that Aarons charges you the $10 just to send the guy to your house if you didn't pay on time. Pretty sure he was just trying to scare me into making sure I paid on time. Also pretty sure he was never a cop, just a douche.

Way back when I got my 1st apartment I had absolutely no credit to speak of and I was spending all my money on the security deposit and the stuff I needed (bed, couch whatever) but man did i want a big screen projection TV. I went into Aarons and they had a 52" one that I decided I needed right then and there.

Seeing how it appears that it WAS in development for X1 before suddenly disappearing this close to release I'm betting that it was just too close to the 360 version for MS. Remember MS wouldn't let Telltale put out Wolf Among Us on X1 unless it was upgraded in some significant way over the 360 version. They

I think that both CR and Funimation get the exact show that airs on TV in Japan, which is always heavily censored at first. CR never get an unedited version while if Funimation decides to do a dub it's white light free.

I watched it on my Roku funimation premium sub and didn't even notice it was censored. When the next episode comes out I'll pay closer attention. When it comes to something like this i always opt for the Funimation over the CR, maybe it's just wishful thinking but it seems to have less censoring, I think because

If I had any ability to make a gif I would definitely make one of the main character in Ben-To jumping out the window to save his Sega Saturn because the Ice Cold Witch couldn't take losing to everyone anymore and tossed it.

That part of the game where you lose all you powers that you've been building up since the beginning.

I can't thank you enough for putting these up each season. I love anime and video games so this fits me perfectly, especially since I don't go anywhere else to find out stuff about anime lol. I just keep my Crunchyroll and Funimation account pages open and keep adding everything that looks good to me.

I totally agree. I think it's because the devs had something they NEVER get on these movie tie-ins , more time. If I remember correctly the movie got delayed for some reason so they got a few more months to polish it up. Hell, I'm gonna go and play it again right now!

I think I want a PS4 now! Thanks Fahey I'm poor enough already. BTW what flavor e-cig are you rocking? Strawberry (they call it Merango) it my flavor this morning.

I can't imagine you could still use a toilet scrubber or even a plunger without these things falling off. But I'm sure your friends wont mind your dirty ass toilet cause it's got neat stickers! Gross.

I totally agree. My gamerscore has been stuck at multiples of 4 for a while now and my ocd makes me quite upset about it. It would have sucked for him if he got a secret achievement that put him at 1,000,004. Impressive!

Please don't tell me you already managed to get an X1 bricked. And if it isn't a bricked X1 or 360 just make a new gamertag.

Why is it that I see your name and keep staring at that picture waiting for the bear to move around and do something hilarious? Fix it Bob! Stills are laaaaaame!!

I just hope they use enough orange zest and ginger to kill off that fishy aftertaste I hear you get after eating JLaw. I'm sorry.

Hey now. Only one of those two is a lesbian. The other one likes the guy on the show that is also on another show with her, which is really just the same show.

HOLD ON PEOPLE!!!! I'm sure that you, like me, were already on Priceline booking a trip to China to grab one of these bad boys. I mean this sucka is "more brighter" which alone is enough for most people to drop whatever it may cost to take one of these home. The beautiful 8 bit 2.8" LCD screen is just icing on the

I guess I never got the memo that it was cool to hate on Gearbox. 3D realms is just damn lucky that they didn't plan on having this new game come out Xbox instead of Playstations. If there's anybody that it's cooler to hate on than Gearbox, it's Microsoft. People might have actually been upset that 3D realms was

I'm with you. Reading through the comments it appears that most of the people hating on it haven't even watched the trailer. It's a lot cooler these days to hate something rather like it.