Celibacy just sounds... batshit boring.
Celibacy just sounds... batshit boring.
Yeah. And having them roll into finishers would just be a really nice ending, you’d get people feverishly trying to pull them off bringing in another layer of gameplay. It ramps up the stress of being close to death, but if you’re the one with low health and you’ve got someone trying to land a powerful attack on you,…
Never understood the point of xrays. I think they’d work better if they were kind of pre-finishers, they all did the same amount of damage and would only land/activate if you had equal or less health. Roll them into a finisher and boom, you’ve got a super sexy ending combo. Because I can buy anything in this series,…
“le me”, I think you had a stroke or autocorrect totally fucked up there.
Eww, MRAs.
Hi Jason. Developer here. Your site has wrote about my games in the past and I imagine will do so in the future. I’ve always found this site to be one of the best and that hasn’t changed in the past 5 years since I’ve been reading.
That is a tiny display for such a big game.
If only you could see my beaming smile right about now.
Ayye, lol. And nothing will dampen their love. Today I saw a forum page where they said IGN’s corruption “was okay”.
Worst troll IRL? I was reminded by jaysin666’s post.
No, there are things about TB that haven’t been exposed, there are people who haven’t been exposed.
Reminds me of a guy who I went to university with.
Good :)
Oooooh if only you knew the truth about these “ethical” Youtubers. I haven’t met a balanced one yet. TB in his early days was, but not any more and hasn’t been for a while.
Haha, what a dickhead that Total Biscuit person is.
"Falls in love", really? I think it's hideous.
His attitude in general. Didn’t offend me, just thought this isn’t the kind of person I want to buy from.
After some of the things that Ken Levine has said in the past year, no. I’m happy never playing a Bioshock game again, doubly so after playing through Bioshock Infinite.
Wow! Definite buy, looks fascinating. I’m already drawn in.
I will do what I want.