
Shroomtastic, this is what got you banned last time. What I want you to do now is tell me what I can do to prove it to you, otherwise I will have to assume you do know all this and are simply trying to troll.

Not at all, because I’ve never experienced them. Should I have? Should I start imaging you as something you’re not?

That’s a huge reply. Kudos.

So you’re saying my head is up my arse, yet you’re the one constructing some character in my image to argue against because you didn’t read my posts correctly.

Why do you keep bringing keyboards into it? All I ever said was that even with a keyboard, even with chat, nobody used it for the most part. In no way am I saying what you think I am.

The film editor in GTA4 was so good on PC. Looks like this one is better. This will be great!

It’s not a Playstation console without an absolutely overhyped husk of a game!

I wouldn’t mind, remove the boring bits from 8 and it’s a solid game. But no I’d like it taking further, Star Ocean style. But unlike SO have it completely self-contained. A nice big fat JRPG space opera.

A Final Fantasy game looks bonkers? Shocking!

Yup, the part where I removed my burner account’s name was removed. But I’m prepared to forward it to Shroomtastic if he/she wants. I’m also prepared to call in Stephen to show him Shroomtastic’s behaviour hasn’t changed and is spreading out to other Gawker sites.

It’s not, your laughter to cover up your emotions betrays you. As I said I will happily forward you the email if you like. It’s from a burner email account so I’m fully prepared to send it to you.

Nope, I remember that avatar of yours. The image itself even has your name in it. Would you like me to forward it to you? You could ask @stephentotilo about it. Is there a way we can call him in here?

Shroomtastic, one of my friends goes by Shroomlock.

You know Square. Give me a Final Fantasy set in space some time.

Unfortunately I can’t seem to edit my previous post. Here is what happened. But like I said I like that more admins will be refreshed with Shroomlocks homophobic activities and threatening behaviour, which seems to still be present.

Found it :)

You’re absolutely free too. I was only asking if someone was banned, because they were reported earlier. The good thing is if you do report there will also be the history or reports I sent when that user was being homophobic. So at least they’ll see that again.

My apologies, you must have been homophobic and not racist. You seem quite angry on this matter, just relax a bit! It’s all good. One can be homophobic if they choose.

True! I’ve got some special edition games that included art books. I’d absolutely love to see the return of them, my jokey original post aside.

I’m not talking about DM either. I should clarify, Half Life 2 DM isn’t just DM, there’s a team-based mode too. When I used to play that’s all anyone did. Teams of 12v12.