It is? I just think it’s a fun as all hell game :) and games aren’t that expensive either.
It is? I just think it’s a fun as all hell game :) and games aren’t that expensive either.
Oh it’s a fuckload of fun. I usually play GTA games until I’ve unlocked the world map and then run riot in it, but for V I played the whole story twice (on PS3 and 4) and threw loads of time into the Online portion. At no point does it let up being enjoyable. It’s a masterpiece.
Fucking hell. Thing of beauty.
Point was gotten, and publicly refusing to acknowledge certain shortcomings in your own self is okay.
Your attempts to turn this round are duly noted. But let’s continue with the fact that these women appear to not want to be themselves around you. Everyone drops their standards when its worth it, for example, taking a road trip around another continent. Everyone I seem to know showers twice a day and eats nice food…
This one seems more like the older Fire Emblems, more limiting and less “battle royale” that was Awakening. Personally I preferred Awakening’s approach than the older games... but we’ll see. I’m sure they’ll create another must-have 3DS game.
I’ll show you;
Now you’re trying it too, cute!
Spoken like a true misogynist, or boring person, I can’t quite tell. It’s usually different sides to the same coin mind you.
Mayonnaise sandwich as in a sandwich WITH lots of contents AND mayonnaise, or just bread and mayonnaise?
So why has everything we’ve seen about them been boring, so far?
But all-male anything is pandering... to men. Do you not see this? You call all-women pandering, where it’s men who have been pandered to for a while. And not even interesting men, men who like boring stuff that they’ve done and seen before.
The only way you want to see a playable woman in this game is if it’s the male protagonists love interest? So you effectively want a virtual vagina to plunge. Gotcha.
It sounds like you know pretty bad people, or bad people are drawn to you at least. Do you not have fun with women?
This should have been the kind of thing to exist on all Sony’s consoles, it should have started and continued being slowly upgraded. Like an MMO I guess with all your items being accessible across all machines.
You sound a bit conspiracy theorist. Who is giving them “power”? It’s always about power with conspiracy theory people, isn’t it? How about it’s about letting law officials know who people making threats are. Don’t you think that’s a good thing?
It’s sad there aren’t more. The thing is we get the “all male” thing thrown at us way too much to the point that we know how they’re going to interact, we know exactly how problems are going to get fixed within the group. Its been done and I’m bored of it. I want more from my games.
What does laziness have to do with it? I wish you armchair commentators would find a better word to use than “lazy” when referring to developers.
Yeah, it would make it more interesting for one. But it’s also a fantasy game, if they want to create a world where women and men can interact normally (not like how you think they act, not how media portrays them) they totally can do.