
Honestly Mr. X was the first person that came to mind when I saw that guy.

I’m going to hell for making this joke, but....
Looking at that picture, kinda gives a new meaning to X gon give it to ya

An independent developer called Desk Lamp says it has spent over two years working on a game called Rape Day.

You know what, I wish Andromeda had been Bioware’s last game. Yes it was flawed but at least it was trying to change it up, most of the errors like facial glitches were easily fixable, and most of the flaws were down to a ridiculously short dev cycle bereft with office politics bullshit.

So, it’s basically the Beta for an MMO that’s been released with none of the social or economic aspects that make those games even somewhat interesting outside of their tired “Four Player Roles,” approach to gameplay.

Meanwhile, actual Monetized, softcore CP runs rampant in YouTube and they do nothing about it.

Haha can’t wait for all the blood and gore of MK 11!

He’s done some stupid shit, but a Hitler comparison? Really? Have you seen the actual videos that got him in trouble or are you going off of the controversy the media pushed up.
Some of them are true shit, but others were media hype trash. The biggest one, the biggest and last one, in which they kept pushing that he

I think it’s more of a joke to him than anything else. 

I don’t understand what’s offensive about that handle...

Why?only because you don't like him? really?

Yeah, Gawker writers get paid by the word, and nobody in charge particularly cares, except out of some attempt at ethics, whether or not the words are accurate.

You wish Reddit’s nostalgia would stop.

But...if you don’t go looking for it or no one tells you about the corner it’s happening in...why would you know or care if it’s happening??

The A.V. Club

So do we lambast them for not doing enough or do we give them credit for what they did?

It’s refreshing that the diversity is just “there” without any pomp and circumstance around it. Plus all of the designs are pretty cool!

People do not, trust me.

Wait wait, Bash, you gotta clarify; is this bootlegging or was he arrested for kitbashing?? I’m assuming this is straight up a form of bootlegging but the way this is written out it almost seems like the guy was arrested for “body swap kitbash”, which, I’m seriously hoping isn’t an actual crime in Japan. Because

Rival Schools was awesome. I wish some characters ended up in Street Fighter.