
Nintendo does’t believe in fair use, so it evens out.

...not quite the same level of dickiness.

Ron Weasely was just over at my house and he said you need to stop whining about posts that no one made you click on.

I can understand the arguments on both sides (and to have anthropologists chime in was interesting in the article) but death threats? Really people? This is the kind of crap that drives me further and further away from geekdom in general and several subcultures within it in particular. Seriously, it’s never okay to

It sure as hell got your click, didn’t it?

Nah. If he’s involved in something interesting, we’re posting. Here we’ve got a playful way to look at the general pointlessness of pre-ordering video games. It only works because of the scale of his success.

Yay! I can[not] wait.

So... really the whole “metaphysics “ angle has nothing to do with it. You just don’t want zombies because you think they are dumb. That is so much easier to say. Why not just say that?

And again, you don’t know the full story of the game. C’mon.

It’s probably because portrait mode is more comfortable than landscape mode.

Ok one question: Who else here has a ketchup bottle near the TV? Laura had 2 so I think she is pretty hardcore about gaming & ketchuping.

No, they did. Reviewers from all over claimed that the microtransactions were exclusively in the Breach mode and then followed up with an update saying microtransactions were added to the main game later after launch. Many of those reviewers criticized the practice for undermining their credibility for doing so. Just

Careful what you wish for. The last time they did that was the Silent Hill HD collection. :c

He’s Hanjo.

As opposed to villains who, in their own minds and within the parameters they have set for themselves, believe they are doing the right thing. A great example is Magneto - he lived through the concentration camps of WWII and decided that man, as opposed to mutants, no longer had the capacity nor the moral authority to

I always had a problem with the way the Joker was written. Scene to scene he is either an anarchist dog just mindlessly chasing a car, or a control freak, criminal mastermind orchestrating multiple convoluted plans seamlessly at the same time.

Devils Advocate; A Good Guild will provide you with those things.

I was more interested in Harvy Dent. He had a way better character arc and motivation.

I find villains who just want to see the world burn boring. Ledger’s Joker may have been a good tool to explore Batman’s character, but I didn’t think that Joker was an interesting character.

As this is a piece of abandon ware these days, I'm surprised the lack of link to Abandonia.