
Big line, barriers, over dressed pretentious artist, a lottery to decide participation, city permits, vague or incomprehensible message. This is DEFINITELY art.

Are there never parades, street festivals, or construction in your town? Permits to use streets in this way also earn money for the town. It's fair use, and thousands enjoyed it. But I suppose if it made you late for your support group for People Who Have Lost Their Sense of Fun, it was a mistake.

Is it still a nintendo console if nintendo had nothing to do with it?

They have that. It's called the Wii. (minus bluetooth controller support - although technically not, because Wiimotes run on bluetooth lol. gotta love technicalities!)

It looks like a guy who's all "Oh shit, I dropped my pistol!"

Actually it's $400 for a PS4. So, for $500, you could buy a PS4 with Injustice, and get some cheap food for you and your friends to eat while playing it. Sounds like the better deal to me.

But where is the thrill!?.....of being $500 poorer....

This looks absolutely nothing like previous Call of Duty games. The idea of being able to blast around rooftops and cloak seems more like Crysis, if anything.


There's already a monument to Eve Online players... It's the World of Warcraft episode of Southpark.

The monument also includes an app that lets you find a particular name amongst the thousands engraved there, and a time capsule buried underneath. The time capsule contains a laptop with messages from EVE players, and will be opened 25 years from it's placement, on May 6th, 2039.

That was hard to watch in a lot of places....pretty much the whole thing

Their legs are twice as long as their torso and heads combined, ahahaha.

I like how you source your facts to "according to the internet". If it's on the internet, it must be true yah?

Psh, if this were 'mericuh, he'd be brave enough to use a real gun with live ammunition.

Couldn't help but make two. Choose what you like,