
self explanatory

I guess mine was to well hidden, unless you expand >_<.

I wish someone would shout this from the rooftops So many completely clueless dudes out there,

It's funny, but I think this whole "Friend Zone" / "Nice Guy" thing has just ballooned recently. Way too often do I see "evil" motives attached to the whole thing. The guy is "evil" and is just acting nice in order to get sex. The girl is "evil" and is purposely stringing the guy along for her own benefit...

It was already "change your password" week for me at work, and its been going rougher than usual. Now I have to deal with this crap.

Am I the only one here who doesn't think you guys need to post a whole new article every time there's a new announcement? I don't give half a shit about Smash Bros. Now, I have to scroll through pages of it.

I smell a photoshop contest

I agree with this. For some reason, the gaming community has created a culture of complaining and whining. People hate when a game is released on a cycle, be it one year or two. People complain when there is time and distance between sequels. It's a community that is almost impossible to please.

He was surprisingly unimpressed. When I asked why, his answer was simple: he'd grown tired of waiting for several years every time he wanted a new one.

There is so many realistic Ninja Turtles on Google and any of them look better than the movie ones. My favorite style is this one. Maybe not as much muscle but at least the head doesn't look like Shrek or a Lotr Troll.

Now playing

Might wanna mention that the video in the article is part 3 out of three cinematic trailers for the game.

Good for those who don't already own a last or current gen console or something like a Roku, but it doesn't interest me. Maybe it will kick Sony in the ass to get a western release of the Vita TV though.

Patricia... you should include this one too ^^

What? This is not poorly kerned. One might have opinions about the logo, but the kerning is fine.

Menu's fading to montages is fine, it helps prevent burn-in. If it really bothers you that much, turn off the game instead of sitting on the menu screen. Use that Quit to Desktop button you demanded!

It makes sense for flying games. That's about it.