Jokes aside, it's because the majority of people are playing on iOS and Android. I agree with you though and they should include this. It's not like it's that hard to type just 2 more names.
Jokes aside, it's because the majority of people are playing on iOS and Android. I agree with you though and they should include this. It's not like it's that hard to type just 2 more names.
I also think Double Dash is awesome.
Other than that, they still produce new games with the same characters. It's a new IP, but people don't get it.
She is the type of person I tend to fall in love with in life. Not that I dated anybody like that ever, but she looks so fine!
Create an "Google Now-like" app featuring Beemo and his answers and then use your phone instead of a screen running Raspberry Pi.
I can even see an ad showing a guy jumping from playing a PS4 to his Vaio laptop to play some SOE game using the DualShock 4 as the mouse.
Hope it's playable on my Intel HD graphics laptop that barely plays Super Meat Boy! haha
True. Some of the problems with Steam's Big Picture mode was that you needed a mouse if there was any pop-up window. If you could use the DualShock as a touchpad, then the problem is solved.
A similar idea I had was to use the Xbox 360's Chatpad on PC games. Some of them offer realtime chat because people play on…
True, but I would guess a clone as something more similar. But from this conversation, I understand now the term when used for fighting games. Thanks.
True. I played PlayStation All-Star Battle Royale on the Vita and it was hard to follow the characters on the small screen. Everything is small and hard to figure out what's going on. This Smash Bros. is looking good.
Why is Toon Link a "true clone"? It controls a lot different even thought they have the same moveset.
We already have a one-word review website:
Exactly what I was thinking. I guess people forget the DS came out before the iPhone. They have touchscreens on their handheld and home consoles. How are they "falling down on the job"?
I'm looking forward to this game. I was trying to find a fun kart racing game on Android and nothing that good. If they add the Bad Piggies creation to the kart genre it would be pretty cool (like ModNation and LittleBigPlanet racing games).
Sorry, I'm used to comments like yours from people that don't usually read the article. But the source had the answer to your question too.
The sedan's insurance that will see the bill for reconnecting this car or buying a new one.
Dude, read the article!
That's actually a pretty cool card. Do you know if where we can buy it?
This was only one example. There are other use cases and some people don't have TVs with 5 HDMI ports.
It would be cool for a college dorm or something so you have only one TV but you can snap the PS4 so you both play at the same time on the same TV. Not sure if the snap feature is half each but if it is, then it's a possibility. And if you are already going to buy both (some people just gotta have 'em all), something…