
This is just them saying “We made it close to fucking impossible for black people to vote, yet some did anyways so it must be fraud!”.

Probably would be best for our apology tour to be Americans, not Australians. Kinda insincere otherwise. ;)

It set the stage for her being an overbearing mother, overly concerned with the method of birth and then leading into her helicoptering by those few moments when she did not know if her baby was fine.

If they can implant a microscopic chip that can affect hearing, sight and report all manner of biological conditions as well as report your current location and never, ever need charging and have what seems like miles and miles of range - then they can have a fucking one pill abortion.

For $500 a ticket I *might* consider an Eagles concert if (and only if) zombie Glenn Frey showed up and performed.

It doesn’t help that record companies take such a huge cut of record sales, so I assume when those went down they decided to bump up their profits from the tours. Artists used to tour to make their money, as the record companies tended to screw them over.

It is especially expensive for older bands/singers that appeal to the older crowd with more money. We went to Nile Rodgers/Duran Duran a while back and it was fucking expensive for an outdoor amphitheater. I can only imagine what it would have cost at an arena.

We just need to run You Only Live Twice where Sean Connery pretends to be Japanese on loop for them until they get it.

Hyperbole does not help your case. The game is hardly “useless” without the online component, it is perfectly playable with a minimal loss of something many people never used. Maybe they should have omitted that part completely and you wouldn’t have had it at all?

Yep, and now we are going to need someone to do an actual “Apology Tour” they kept accusing Obama of doing.

The only thing saving us is that Trump and his lackeys are incompetent idiots at pulling shenanigans. If the Republicans had someone as unethical as him, but actually competent at doing this stuff we would be in a world of hurt.

We saw Fleetwood Mac a several years back, she doesn’t twirl like she used to and her voice isn’t quite what it once was, but it was still amazing. Great show. That was back when the iPhone was still new and things like SoundHound were in their infancy, but the sound was still close enough to figure out every single

To be honest, most young teens/pre-teens are miserable to be around their parents. It of course doesn’t help that his father is an asshole, but that is fairly standard.

That’s just to appease the rubes because they need to get elected.

All the judges Trump has been trying to ram through and only recently met any sort of pushback are an attempt to head off that recourse. If he gets enough through with lifetime appointments, he can wreck things for years.

Similar situation for me, it was amazing. And Super Mario 64 is one of the few games that has aged well. It just goes to show how revolutionary the game was.

The problem is the N64 was the first of a new dawn in gaming, 3D - whereas the previous generation was the pinnacle of 2D side scrolling goodness and design. It is really hard to go back and play most N64 games, I’ve tried. And the PSX and Saturn are even worse. You know now what sharp 3D games look like, and it feels

Not to mention how they turn their back on attempts to help them actually learn something that might give them a job in the future instead of waiting for a dead industry to resurrect itself.

Well to be honest, they voted for Republicans - which is the party of personal responsibility. So how about taking some? Realize what happened when Obama was in office, and how the GOP stonewalled every fucking thing they could, then got rewarded for it. It is hard to fix things when half the fucking government spent

They know Trump is full of shit, and in their heart they know the coal industry isn’t coming back, nor are the factory jobs they need. Those were taken by the very industries the GOP backs so much and just gave giant tax cuts to - as they still have no intentions of bringing jobs back here. But conservative news has