And if not, somebody should get on that. They could call it, like, "Ivy League Longing" or "Basically Masturbation" or "Stupid and Mean: The Romance of a Lifetime"
Oh god the butchers son noooooooo :C
I...Actually know how you feel. I don't think she was lying, but I know how you feel.
0____0 Dude...You fucked up.
That was the appropriate response.
Happy birthday stranger! (hot cider does wonders for me, feel better!)
Eh, shes alright...She needs to fukken project tho...
So the Reptilians are just robots pretending to be Reptilians pretending to be the illuminati? IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!
Huh, I've been mislead then, sorry!
Hey, um...I jutht acquired a lithp that I've never had before, which only manifethtth when I'm typing, ath well ath a weird drink umbrella thaped thcar on my forehead. Oh, and a German metherthmitt Bf 109 jutht crathh landed on my car...Any ideath? I think you may have mithcalibrated thomething. Or your future ith…
Yeah, the US isn't really as panicky. Which is weird, because it's the US. Panic is our bread and butter.
Erm...Maybe cool it on the point blank accusation against someone you don't know based on his complaint that people look at him like he's John Wayne Gacy when he takes his kid to the park?
That's fucked up, sorry to hear that :(
That's why we always have to walk around on all fours!
Although in Britain, people do tend to cry "pedo" at the drop of a hat, from what I've heard, so it can be pretty shitty for a single dad trying to take his kid to the park. But other than that...Fuck I dunno, I'm not a geographist.
WTF. I stretch out when there's no-one around because otherwise my hips feel weird and stuff, but seriously? Fucking contain yourself when you're in a busy place, it's not a big deal, your balls can take it O_o
Kick some ass out there!
Current status revised from "meh" to "SAD"