
Really??, CNN did a diner interview w/a bunch of old, fat, racist, vile White people in, of course my state Az. The WORST group of nasty “humans” (I guess, that’s what they purported to be) and they were AOK w/it...a**hole repub Trumpleskins of course.....most Az residents DO NOT feel that way towards our Hispanic,

I’ll take a little lip synch for some yummy eye candy!!😏😏

God....what DICK’s they ALL are!!! Hear that McConnell, Mulveney, Mnuchin, on and on...Pence.... isn’t HE the “Christian”?? The HATE I have for these human stains is palpable..... I really think it’s time for pitch forks and torches....


What a disgusting sack of cells that monster is!! I just wish he, the wife (who gets NO pass from me) and kids, could experience what’s happening at the border.... HATE REPUBLICANS...if you’re still a member of that party, you’re NO BETTER THAN TRUMP... any questions????

Yup....and often Dr’s are on the board of pharma companies plus all the “commissions” and other perks provided....

Succinctly put...may I add...the copious wining/dining/junkets to Hawaii etc provided by the pharma company to the Dr’s...the commission they get for recruiting other Dr’s etc....

Everyone who thinks Chump is going to crack down on big pharma, take two steps forward....that’s what I death penalty for addicts it is!! He is a UGE fan of Duarte after all....this “man” wouldn’t scrape ANY citizen off his shoe, the odds of him giving a 💩 about opioids is exactly ZERO...

They can...he could, and now it’s dumped on his wife for her to do....and what’s particularly disturbing is NYU does law workshops a couple x’s a month, could have gotten legal advice for little to no $$$....wondering if there were some other issues as well weighing on this man...

My point exactly...ESPECIALLY interest only... ain’t happening friends, not anymore, or for quite awhile....

Geeze...cannot believe I’m jumping back into this 💩 But....where the hell is a “low wage worker” going to get 750k for a medallion..his sock drawer?? Banks DO NOT lend on medallions. If he/she is involved in some nefarious💩(Syndicate) the math would be done for them...

I believe we’ve all jumped in the middle of evilfacel.... only hobby....imagine him sitting next to you at the corner bar....YIKES!! Make it a double please!!😫

I use local auction can watch online or in person if you like. 10-15% sellers premium, they send a check or you can pick it up if needed...been doing it for years...

Most every city has at least one or two reputable auction houses... I just drop things off, box lot or for $$ items they auction individually. They take a 10-15% sellers premium and send you a check. You can even go watch or track items online... been doing it for years...easy, peasy 😃

Am I the only one who’s noticed all these crackers look alike?!?! Is he not a DEAD RINGER for Jefferson Beauregard Sessions the III??? I always feel the need to type that out because.... well...because it’s the PERFECT name for that inbred troll....every time I see that evil grin, deliverance is on a loop like a worm

Yup...I cashiered for awhile and waiting for a “manager” to get off his tush and bring change was a constant annoyance. Sometimes if someone was digging in a coin purse I’d offer to buy it all...a lot quicker than waiting for a doofus to do his job...

Or grammas underwear drawer... how “warm” were they when they were counted I wonder?!!!

Yup...I worked at Target for years, and sometimes folks had biggie, if the a holes in line behind them got mouthy, another team member would call them to another lane so no one was embarrassed....I always had change in my pocket in case anyone came up short. People can just be garden variety DICKS for NO

Hate to admit I like that stuffing, but no more for me....last time I ate it, I woke up in the am puffed like the Michelin Man.... I mean BAD...had to wear different shoes for heavens sake....

That would imply you had a cogent argument, which you do not....