
It’s a specific definition applied to a certain type of situation, it’s not being used in the colloquial sense of the word “essential.” You’re trying to apply the dictionary definition to a piece of jargon and it’s just pointless and pedantic.

Very sad...even sadder still that there are still people denying that humanity is causing this...and even sadder STILL that, even if we started doing everything right, right now, this very minute, it’s still likely too late to save the great barrier reef.

That makes sense. I definitely wasn’t speaking of the matter with first hand knowledge, just sharing some things I had heard.

Yeah no, he wasn’t giving to the poor. He was giving free refills to people who had money to buy the damm food. If you can’t afford a soda there’s free water. But if you can afford the food i’m sure you can afford the drink.Please don’t make this guy some kind of crusader for the down trodden.

So is everyone else who perpetuates the lie that was written into the very first line of the Gizmodo article. Adam Clark Estes suffered a failure of critical thinking when he regurgitated that lie. Michael Nunez failed critically when he used Adam’s failure to cite that lie. Countless commentators then let the cycle

I’ve been flyin’ all night, my hand’s wet on the stick. There’s a voice in my ear, tells me how my weapons tick. My CO called, said he needs me home. It’s 1630 hours, overheated dome. When it gets warm outside and my targets disappear...200 million bucks can’t cure my primal fear. Don’t need to talk at all — I got a

Now they just need a narcoleptic Japanese schoolgirl driving the tank.

A Supreme Court justice, ideally, is not a Democrat or a Republican but rather someone who can impartially evaluate complicated legal issues irrespective of politics.

I think the numbers are similar, hundreds of thousands. Kudos to you for the sources! I dont have to agree but i apretiate men who stand behind their statements

WWII also boosted the US economy because ordinary people were willing to foot the bill for all that spending, through bonds.

So utterly predictable that the Gawker audience, and especially the Jezebel segment, would immediately skip over the 4 kids who raped a girl at gun point (all of whom happen to be black) to focus on the deli owner who refused to let the father use his phone and his ethnicity.

Stealth was a marginal movie, but I still kind of enjoy it, like a guilty pleasure of suspended disbelief. However, there was actually a bit of a poignant point buried in there...