
They don’t “pay”, but they will lease you the machine that mixes the syrup and water and carbonates it for very little, if you stock their stuff.


Seriously? Soda is, in order of percentages, Water, Syrup (even cheaper than the water) and CO2. $3000 in Soda would either be a fucking swimming pool, or they’re calculating based on what they could sell it for, which is dumb.

I absolutely agree.

Fine, don’t think of it as a plane. Think of it as a insanely fast, extremely cheap, and slightly less flexible helicopter.

Jennifer Lawrence is overrated. She’s actually a very good actress, but she also has ridiculously high expectations. The pay and screen-time differential between her and other actresses is far too great to account for her skill.

Koala’s naturally spend their lives in 300 ft. Eucalyptus trees, and have few natural predators. Ain’t no mountain lion that can climb that shit. They have a low birthrate and mostly sleep. That Koala was bred in captivity and kept in a cage.

Mountain Lions are also incredibly reclusive towards humans. I wouldn’t really worry about them while hiking or shit, they’ll see you long before you see them, and do their best to stay clear.

That wasn’t a brake check, that was a pretty fast deceleration. A brake check is tapping on your brakes very briefly to light up brake lights, maybe hoping that the person thinks you are slowing down and wisens the fuck up.

Well that is to be expected to a degree. Gizmodo covers everything in a snarky kind of way. Sometimes it works, sometimes it falls flat.

Yeah, the heat accumulation seems pretty damning for modularity.

I gather your general point, but you are throwing around far too many zeroes.

Nature abhors a vacuum. An industry so dependent on government purchases as the defense industry requires close government supervision, which our representatives have neglected, or even willfully refused to address.

THIS is what drones should be used for. Precision strikes on known hostile targets, without any risk to a pilot.

I had to deal with a girl who threatened to kill me if I didn’t date her. I quit that job pretty quick. I have no idea what I would do if it were a serious career, not some minimum-wage gig I had in college.


Kennedy is a wild card. On social issues, I would have to agree, but he is more of a libertarian than a liberal.

I wouldn’t get too excited. Alito and Roberts struck it down solely because the law was a steaming pile of shit legally. At least they’re somewhat principled jurists, I guess.

I’ll also note I found that segment fucking hilarious

The reason they have special districts is that local governments are just as unaccountable (look at the average profile of the regular local election voter), and are completely incapable of working together.