Yeah, the heat accumulation seems pretty damning for modularity.
Yeah, the heat accumulation seems pretty damning for modularity.
I gather your general point, but you are throwing around far too many zeroes.
Nature abhors a vacuum. An industry so dependent on government purchases as the defense industry requires close government supervision, which our representatives have neglected, or even willfully refused to address.
THIS is what drones should be used for. Precision strikes on known hostile targets, without any risk to a pilot.
I had to deal with a girl who threatened to kill me if I didn’t date her. I quit that job pretty quick. I have no idea what I would do if it were a serious career, not some minimum-wage gig I had in college.
Kennedy is a wild card. On social issues, I would have to agree, but he is more of a libertarian than a liberal.
I wouldn’t get too excited. Alito and Roberts struck it down solely because the law was a steaming pile of shit legally. At least they’re somewhat principled jurists, I guess.
I’ll also note I found that segment fucking hilarious
The reason they have special districts is that local governments are just as unaccountable (look at the average profile of the regular local election voter), and are completely incapable of working together.
Ease of access mostly. Its hard to get at them, harder to replace them.
Israel probably deserves a legit resolution by now. But Britain, France and the US prevent that.
No, a UN resolution is like a “strongly worded letter to your immediate superior” All of the resolutions against Iran were enforced by the Security Council, which is the only reason anyone gave a shit.
She killed somebody, or even worse, pushed him to kill himself. She then took advantage of the attention to play the part of the grieving girlfriend.
I wouldn’t say that. Nuclear weapons are a tremendous money sink. Anything we can do to reduce them while maintaining parity would be a good idea.
Unless you want to spend another hundred billion helping Iraq pick up the pieces of Anbar and Mosul, devastating a region of an already poor country would be a terrible idea. Unless you want to kill every Sunni, defeating ISIS without addressing the sectarian divide would result in something very similar to ISIS…
They may be corrupt, but not suicidal. An AK is relatively easy to acquire, but heavy weapons can be traced.
It’s a BearCat, basically, with extra panels added for looks. Riot vehicles are supposed to look scary.
Exactly. The fact that the US spends so much in Europe is a travesty. If Europe is so worried about EU integration, the best place to start is defence.
I’m aware its planned, but I didn’t think it was finished yet.