
Including those times when Richard Branson showed up.

and tonight's a new Interdimenional Cable episode!

An NFL post show is taking place during an Emmys preshow. This isn't even the weirdest crossover I've seen. On Fox.

I'm gunning for a Parks & Rec win, finally.

Eugene Levy, who said "yes" to The Man and at least five American Pie sequels, had something better to do?!

"Dresser drawer, you were gonna to be my improv coach!"

Stop. Pooping.

"Oh Mr. Mooney, I just gotta meet Bob Cummings! Viiiiiv!"

"That is not a statue of Martin Scorcese. That is a statue of Regis Philbin."

I thought this episode was great, but I realize that the ending was rushed. It still didn't damper my love of it, though.

I was most excited for Mr. Ford's glorious return to the airwaves.

I also loved how Ray's drawing was also missing a hand.

Me too.

I thought this whole episode was a riff on Game of Thrones. Franquito had to be the Hodor of the gang, right?

I don't like to look at blood, and there was blood everywhere. In bags, buckets, bottles, knives and pickles. Most of it Frank's. Ick. But this was a really funny episode.

Yep, knew from the get-go that the gang on Family Feud (or a Family Feud-esque show) was gonna be amazing, but I figured the ending was gonna be a let down because the gang can only lose. Seriously, I would've loved to have heard Charlie's answers to the last round and we lost out on that!

I invented turtlenecks!

Only when Adult Swim had it. The Comedy Central version puts it back in.

Same here. For years the seemingly random inclusion of "The Magician" was one of my favorite gags in the show. Then I found out that it's in the real song and it lost all of its luster.