
Are you serious? I'm afraid you totally missed the point of Dave's piece, which is this:

And conservatives re-elect David Vitter in Louisiana even after it was revealed during a criminal investigation that among his avocations was pissing and shitting into a diaper while engaging in infantilism with high priced escorts. Now on the continuum of sexual deviancy, infantilism and maybe even coprophilia are

I think Johnson's re-election despite the fact that he can't keep his hands and other body parts off of children says more about the weakness of the GOP in that area than it does about him. Also, you're saying that the Democrats are turning a blind eye to pedophilia? As a Dem myself, that makes me want to puke. The

You're the ultimate in hipster cool. Blase about child rape.

Know what a "gaffe" is? When you accidentally tell the truth about yourself.

I think it bears reminding you that the anti-Semitic remark uttered by Jackson was pretty much the beginning of the end of him as a credible civil rights figure. He pretty much went into eclipse afterward and is little more than a curiosity at this point.

Thanks for getting after Johnson, Dave. Having known of Johnson's chicanery for years, my first reaction when they brought Johnson in was that he was just about the worst choice short of Al Sharpton (Mr. Tawana Brawley) to lead the anti-Sterling 4effort It also struck me as odd that the head of the player's

300 comments already so this will get buried, but I want to point out that Johnson has a pretty good setup for staying in office as long as he wants. No term limits for mayor is the start, but the election process is this: Vote for mayoral candidates in the primary, if one gets over 50% in that vote, then no further

Yeah you're probably right. You'd think Nabokov would be more up his alley

I am SO glad this stuff is coming out, again. Johnson is one of those self-righteous hypocritical & ostentatiously "moral" assholes who has skated time & again. His acquaintance with President Obama is unfortunate; but, then again, the president has always been affiliated/acquainted with too many of these

"I can say that [Johnson is] a healthy, red-blooded, American male, and he hopes to find the right wife and settle down," Hiestand told the paper. "There are lots of women who are [adults] who are sending him their photos, tape recordings and letters. ... If he was interested in any kind of sexual action, he had a lot

He wouldn't be the first or last to fake an interest in literature to get laid.

KJ..... I know someone who worked at the school, receiving the job through a connection with the KJ through the Suns. This person left the school citing systematic molestation of young girls there by KJ.... As I've seen his star rise, I kept wondering when this would find some teeth.

Born and raised Phoenician here. I was a young lad when this happened but it essentially ran him out of town. Prior to this, KJ would preach to Sir Charles about the gospel and run from church to church as if he was the pope. The city never loved him again for his transgressions with a teenager. During his press

"There are lots of women who are [adults] who are sending him their photos, tape recordings and letters. ... If he was interested in any kind of sexual action, he had a lot more attractive offers than [the accuser]."

I remember during his playing days they used to profile him as this model citizen Christian local hero. And now he's a politician. Ray Charles could have seen all this coming.

I've wondered how Johnson shook all those charges of inappropriate sexual behavior with young women. He and Rhee belong together, they are the Lord and Lady MacBeth of charter schools. It may take awhile, but I'm sure some messy scandal will bring them down eventually.

Whoa. Married to Michelle Rhee? MICHELL RHEE!

I knew Sacramento was sleepy but man, how did they not get these things leaked? Too bad he is great at his job, but at least this will stop his run for congress.

Wow! A professional athlete who's likely been "privileged" since grade school an asshole? That's a surprise! I'm sure there are some that aren't, but, these folks aren't heroes.