
I should think there’d be more sympathy from people whose grandparents did whatever it took to escape the old country. Because it’s the same thing, new decade.

This passage highlights exactly why institutions of higher learning shouldn’t be in the business of adjudicating rape: “Every rape victim wants what campus activists are asking for: a fair investigation, counseling to help with their trauma, a home where they feel safe, people who listen.” They can and should have all

This is tangential I suppose, but I appreciate that you mentioned that many men are fleeing conscription and/or going ahead on the dangerous journey of a refugee with the intention of bringing their brides/families once they are safely established somewhere else. Apparently these valid reasons for Syrian men to be

In Germany they were known as Stahlhelmhochzeit (steel helmet wedding), named after the typical helmet of the German army. The groom had to write an authorization that he agreed to marry his bride. This was read out when it would have been his turn to say “I do”.

Many of these brides will go to meet their husbands once they have established themselves in a new country. One bride, Siwar, went on to meet her husband in the Netherlands, where they will retake their wedding photo to replace a previously Photoshopped version.

Similar weddings happened during WWII.

Ingress. I’m almost certain a lot of these pokestop/gym are being pulled from Ingress (which are picked by players).

a genius MIT student who isn’t old enough to drink yet

You’d THINK the other heroes would catch on, but these are the same heroes who believed in the single flimsiest secret identity in comics for like 50 years.

She was introduced months ago? And she was already building her own armor? Hah, there goes all the dumb arguments about Marvel turning characters around on a dime.

Looks like I’ll be adding Iron Man to my pull list again!

I remember seeing a stat mot long after Tamir Rice’s murder that 83% of police brutality complaints were filed against 6% of the cops.

I think he’s just saying that this victim is beyond reproach. In most of the previous incidents, the victims had a criminal record. I’m not saying that excuses anything. It absolutely does not. But, in this instance there are NONE of the other factors that people bring up as to why it is really the victim’s fault and

At this point the only person who remotely wants the job is Gingrich, and that is going to be hilarious. Welcome to the Six Wives Club. Of course the only dude who’d be his VP is the guy who made his living doing all the political things Trump did, but not as well. For Newt, a fresh coat of Trump Stank is actually

Yeah that stupid excuse is tiring, isn’t it?

I have the same experiences with friends and rationale WRT Jez and have nothing else to add except this .gif of T-Swizzle thinking she won a Grammy for a second, and then finding out that it went to someone else.

He was one of the good ones? Even if he had a record as long as my arm he STILL shouldn’t have been shot!

Didn’t CH get his jollies in a massage parlour waaaaaay before HiddleSwift started?

Why do I know this? What is wrong with me?

Philandro told them he was carrying a legal gun, they told him to get his ID, so he reaches down to get it and gets shot four fucking times! The man had done everything society asks of him and led an exemplary life and he still gets shot to death because a white officer saw him as nothing more than a thug because

Comment from my bestie on my outraged FB post this morning: