
It’s a fucking joke. The American Medical Association, National Physicians Alliance, Doctors for America, the US Surgeon General all believe that gun violence is an epidemic in this country. Yet the CDC isn’t allowed to research gun violence?

Honestly, liberals need to start treating gun control like the right treats abortion, and chip away at the stranglehold chip by chip by chip relentlessly until we make headway. Perhaps we can have some sort of TRAP laws that make it impossible for gun sellers to stay open in some states and make it really hard to

And repeal the law giving immunity to gun manufacturers and gun sellers. Start treating them like the tobacco industry.

Why isn’t anyone pushing legislation to repeal the Dickey Amendment which bans federal funding for research on guns? In the current moment it seems like that could be more toxic to vote against than actual gun control and the research could go a long way toward shifting the conversation. Even Dickey says sponsoring it

If there were a shorter distance to travel between putting the kids to bed as mom and entering the bedroom as sexy woman.

She may have been the main/only reason that financing fell into place.

All the sites have done great reporting. The investigative reporters at Deadspin who reported on Greg Hardy and Kevin Johnson, for example, are an inspiration to our news team. Jezebel has been doing some great politics coverage. Gawker got people talking about the allegations against Bill Cosby before that became a

Yeah, but that’s like, the only good thing to come from it.


I just read some other very good news tonight on FiveThirtyEight’s liveblog:

As a Bernie supporter who will be happy to vote for Hillary, I suggest you remind them that (before things got acrimonious between them), Hillary and Bernie both said during the early debates that they agreed on most things even though they did have a few fundamental differences.

Or mistaken for marketing when you actually run the R&D team for a tech startup.

I keep thinking, if you don’t understand why this is important, you’ve never been one of two women in your PhD class of 15. Or one of three women in your cohort at work. Or though, maybe I’d want to do this in my career, and then remembered that 90% of people in that position are men. I cried the whole train ride home

Whenever I think of Hillary Clinton I think of this quote from an anonymous White House staffer during Bill Clinton’s presidency, as quoted in Newsweek. They asked him (I assume the staffer was a him, I don’t remember if they specified the gender) what he thought of the Clintons and he answered “Him? Meh. Her? I’d

I started this primary season as a Sanders supporter and now I’m pouring myself a nice big glass of wine. I'm enjoying the fact that my daughter is going to grow up in a world where a woman is a nominee for the presidency. A world where most likely Hillary Clintom will be president and she will be able to remember it.

Acid rain. Air pollution. Pesticide run-off from farms. That’s just for starters.

Just because there’s places nobody has physically set foot in, doesn’t mean those places have not been impacted in some fashion by human civilization.

Money. Money is the answer.

I still don’t understand why they aren’t at least being postponed. Do they really not see the harm of having a major international event right where this virus is being spread? You will have people from all around the world gathered, odds are a decent amount of those people will contract the virus, and then travel