Galaxy Cruiser

both have the same maturity level so...

they didn't. instead of talking about how they made lighting more of an interesting character, they talked about how they made her breasts bigger and made them jiggle. giving their character bigger breasts should be the last fucking thing on their mind.

"I know guys on the team are very keen to have female representation in games generally, and that goes for me as well, but I think this is about what resonates most with fans. You work out what resonates best."

what a flimsy, half-assed excuse.

it was kind of a rhetorical question.

but seriously, if the problem with lighting was that she wasn't an interesting character, why the fuck go the boob job route, instead of the making her more interesting route?

i love how people point out things like "the cap on the birds head wouldn't let it fly" and no one bats an eye but the minute someone suggests a woman put pants on..

so, she wasn't sexually appealing before her boob job? she was perfectly fucking fine. that's my point. this is some of the worst objectification in gaming i've seen.

except this isn't meant to be sexually appealing. so.. not the same.

they didn't just add jiggle they increased the size.

if she really was a powerful character they wouldn't need to do that to make her more appealing.

thicke i think you're a bit delusional. there really nothing feminist about the song or the video. calling her "the hottest bitch", because women want to be compared to a female dog. also at 2:18, he blows smoke in the blonde woman's face. i don't know about anyone else but i feel like this is a typically degrading

i think it's fair to enjoy the song while being aware of it's more negative aspects. :)

so they took a strong female character who wasn't objectified and instead on focusing on making her more of an interesting, in depth character, they made her tits bigger and added jiggle.

fuck this shit. fuck all of it.

a+ for missing the point entirely.

why did they have to make her breasts bigger? she was fine the way she was.

Now playing

this is my personal favourite funny scene.

probably my new favourite show.

a show featuring primarily women of all different shapes, sizes, colours and personalities? not only that but it's good. as a feminist, i definitely approve.

"before i met you, the sun was like a yellow grape."

yeah the crazy jesus praising crack head really glamorizes prison.

dude must have the highest pain tolerance ever. ear tattoo? owowow.

seems like you just wanted to shit all over everyone thinking positively about this. can't talk about women on this site without taking them down a notch!

really? it took everyone here this image, right here, to figure this out? that women are human beings with shitty qualities and good qualities and not mindless perfect submissive objects?

also, what about this article made you post this?
