Galaxy Cruiser

i love sex too. just because i'm fighting against ads like this that portray women as disposable sex objects doesn't mean i hate sex and that i'm "prude" or that i hate the female body (that wouldn't make sense considering i'm bisexual). not saying that this is what you're implying but i think you get the idea of what

he does! most of the conversations happen when you're idle, though. :)

he was experimented on by hyperion.

i freakin' love krieg. probably my second favourite character after maya.

it's also funny watching this because me and my boyfriend are currently in a playthrough with maya and krieg. =P

it's sexism. plain and simple.

thinking of humans as objects for you to consume is not a healthy way to think. this is one of the ways rape happens and this is how rapists often think. they don't see their victim as a person but as an object.

humans are more than just animals that have sex (and there is such a thing as

you're right, you've got me, a random internet commenter, entirely figured out.

because of this thing called common sense and intelligence?

yes i did. as i said, you just don't get it.

yes, it would be sexist if men were treated as sexual objects and nothing else in the gaming industry. but they aren't.

dude, it's ok for you to find women attractive, beautiful, whatever. it's okay for you to think "cute butt." or whatever goes on through your head.

it's not okay to see them just as sexual objects and nothing beyond that (if you're mentally undressing nearly every woman you see i think that might be a problem). it's

oh i answered. your skull is just too thick and your brain is just too small for you to get it.

women make up 47% of gamers, so you're fooling yourself if you're thinking you are an extreme minority.

also, thinking of humans as mere objects for sex is a dangerous way to think. this ad isn't about procreation (so i have no idea why you're talking about "why we exist.") it's about using women as objects for sex.


oh my god this is one of the worst "what about the menz" derailments i've ever seen.

"what if this"
"what if that"

yeah. what if. fortunately, STUNNER310, we don't live in such a world where your hypothetical image exists (and if they do, they are very very far and few between, and are rarely marketed in places like the

did i say anything about them having sex or being married? if you have multiple partners i don't care. fuck who you want when you want and how ever many people you want as long as you're being safe and the sex is consensual. the ad is sexist because it's basically saying "treat women as sexual objects."

it could mean anywhere between being in a relationship with one, just having sex with one, getting married, i don't know. either way it's stupid, lol.

it's mainly due to them seeing women as objects for sex (or just objects to desire) in their ads. i don't care if you have two women you're sexing, just as long as it's consensual and safe, but this shit is kinda like.. it's reads just very "bro" like. women would look at this ad and think "well this isn't for me."

is this a legitimate ad? =/ good lord, sony's ads drip in sexism don't they?

i can't tell if this is a jab at anita serkeesian or the men who took the money and ran after doing a "tropes vs. men" kickstarter.

nice derailing, etc etc.

you guys need new comments.

they flagged her video in order to get it taken down. the comments section would be 95% trolling and 5% legitimate discussion.

she is not preventing you from discussing anything. stop crying about it.

i'm glad kotaku is posting more stuff for women/gay men now. this particularly doesn't interest me but it's still good to see. =)