Galaxy Cruiser

excited for batgirl, but seriously... no more batman characters.

Easy - because it can't be cross-posted on Jezebel, and because obviously since Feminists believe all men are rapists, he won't defend a man.

feminist. don't believe all men are rapists.

but i have news for you. a majority of rapists are men, whether they rape a man or a woman.

the moment people start saying "feminists

this is more of a list of attractive female video game characters with a few men put in there to seem like they aren't simply just objectifying the women.

well though slavery and sexism online aren't comparable, it's just thinking "there's a problem, but it's too hard to fix to lets ignore it" about anything is problematic. a lot of bad things wouldn't have been solved if that's how everyone thought.

i suggest you watch this

can you really completely deny that some developers/publishers might actually refuse making games with female leads?

the fact that they didn't put elizabeth on the cover and pushed her to the back despite bioshock infinite being focused on her story more than bookers because she is a woman? the

thank you!

could you imagine how it would be if slavery was still a thing? "slavery is bad, but there is literally nothing we can do to stop it so lets just get over it."

i'm sorry but it really bothers me that people pull out the teenagers card when something like this is brought up.

there are plenty of grown adults doing this shit.

ah. so if a guy has a problem with it then he has a vagina, i'm guessing.

it's not just about the sexist comments because yes, it is youtube (but a lot of those comments were sincere e.g the comment about how a guy respects her because she's not "showing off her cleavage for attention". that dude is serious). everyone knows youtube but if you think she absolutely wouldn't get comments like

she's not for everyone, same with claptrap lol.

20 is still young. very very young. i say this as a 21 year old.

ugh fuck off.

if someone likes the story and would like a female protagonist, i'm assuming yes. why is it so offensive to you guys that someone would like to see a woman up there?

i'm surprised someone said this considering the reaction it gets from kotaku commenters.

how dare you wonder why they can't add a person with a vagina! you are literally worse than hitler, you feminazi.

didn't miley have a penis cake for her 18th? or was that a different birthday? either way, having a penis cake and pretending to suck it while someone takes a photo isn't exactly modesty haha.

COTD, in my opinion.

there's already enough batman characters.

nope. :)

because fuck you.

i don't know if you're a dude or not but every time you (or a guy) masturbate(s) you kill thousands of tiny would-be human beings, just saying. you're really no better than a woman going to the abortion clinic if that's how you feel.

actually gaming improves hand eye coordination, problem solving skills and something else but i can't remember.

you may not earn a phd from playing skyrim but you are getting your brain to work and think.